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World News Malaysia’s Anwar says “shattered” Najib called him twice on election night


KUALA LUMPUR, (Reuters) - Malaysia’s ousted former premier Najib Razak was “totally shattered” the night he lost the general election and called his jailed rival Anwar Ibrahim twice for advice on what he should do, Anwar said on Thursday.

Najib was handed a shocking election loss last week which ended the dominance of the Barisan Nasional coalition that has ruled Malaysia for more than six decades.

BN’s defeat in the May 9 polls was attributed to rising anger over corruption and an unlikely alliance struck between 92-year-old Mahathir Mohamad and his former rival, Anwar, who got together to oust the scandal-tainted Najib.

Anwar, who was pardoned and released from his five-year jail term for sodomy on Wednesday, said he had received two calls from Najib.

“When he called on the night of the election, I advised him as a friend to concede and move on,” Anwar told Reuters in an interview at his home on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.

Anwar said he asked Najib to come out with a statement quickly rather than delay and be perceived as trying to scuttle the process.

Najib, however, said nothing despite Mahathir declaring victory a few hours after the counting of the votes began.

At a news conference the next day, Najib said no party had a simple majority and the constituti­onal monarch would decide who would form the government.

“He was just very evasive ... he refused to concede early,” Anwar said about his discussion on election night.

He said Najib was thinking of what he could do and who he could consult. But Anwar insisted the former-PM did not approach him for a deal in any “serious manner”.

“Even if he had referred to that (a deal) I would have just ignored ... I was just listening to him,” Anwar said when asked if Najib had offered him a deal to shift allegiance.

“After the second call he was totally shattered,” he said.

Najib could not immediatel­y be reached for comment.

“In a close contest between two coalitions it is not unusual for a leader of the losing team to try to entice members from the other side,” said Adib Zalkapli, a Kuala Lumpurbase­d analyst with risk consultanc­y Vriens & Partners.

Khairy Jamaluddin, the youth and sports minister in Najib’s government, visited Najib at his house on election night and said this week the prime minister had been “calm” and “poised”, but that the people around him were “stunned, shocked and sombre”.

Khairy was not available for comment on Thursday. A spokesman for Khairy declined to comment on Anwar’s descriptio­n of events on election night.

Najib’s coalition secured only 79 of Malaysia’s 222 parliament­ary seats while Anwar’s People’s Justice Party (PKR) won 50 seats. An alliance between the two could have secured Najib’s return to power.

Last year, Najib visited Anwar at a hospital where he was recovering from a shoulder surgery. The meeting sparked rumours that the two leaders may strike up an agreement to join forces against Mahathir, although this was quickly dismissed by Anwar’s team.

Mahathir, who was sworn in as leader last Thursday, secured a royal pardon for Anwar, and has promised to step aside for his friend-turnedfoe-turned-ally to become prime minister.

 ??  ?? Anwar Ibrahim
Anwar Ibrahim

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