Stabroek News

Race relations in Guyana has to...


company. The now departed Tom Wolfe called them (the exhibition­ists) “the lice of public life.”

Fifth, social cohesion efforts are admirable; but they are meaningles­s as a single tribe affair. This alone is evidence of the hostile objections and near irreversib­le indifferen­ce to even working towards solutions, however minimal. I go so far to say that there is great scorn and distaste for those who try or attempt to try.

Sixth, race relations in Guyana has to be the biggest #MeToo gathering with almost 750,000 sponsors, 750,000 followers, and 750,000 victims. The greatest number of Guyanese are pleased to be part of the action, sometimes closeup, other times quietly and secretly. Everybody chants about change, but all are rigidly opposed to making the first conversion: themselves. Such is the revealing nakedness of this society; it is where many are energized by the thrills of a cheap way of life, and content with a failed status quo. So where really are the two races in Guyana?

Each is in a place that comforts and makes secure. They like where they are and have absolutely no interest in emigrating to higher ground. True to form (and indoctrina­tion) that outside world is filled with frightenin­g two-legged land monsters; it is real savaging alien territory. Thank you, but I will stick to my own is the reflexive protective posture. The campfire tales of myths repeated sound better with every new telling. It is the best place for the clans; it is the very worst place for a nation searching to find itself.

Yours faithfully, GHK Lall

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