Stabroek News

Nurse midwife at WDRH has two eight-hour jobs


Dear Editor,

The Health Department of the Region #3 Administra­tion has some practices that are in conflict with Public Service Ministry Rules and Regulation­s with regards to the employ of Nursing Staff at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.

A Nurse Midwife , who has been appointed less than one year ago as a Ward Sister at the said hospital and is on Probation for one year is given preference to work strictly Night Duty, and during the Day this staffer is working full time at the National Insurance Scheme in Brickdam. The following questions need to be answered: ♦ Is the Regional Administra­tion Health Department, the Public Service Ministry and the National Insurance Scheme aware of this situation? ♦ Who supervises this Ward Sister? ♦ How can a staffer who is working full-time at the National Insurance Scheme be allowed to work strictly on night Duty at the institutio­n. (WDRH) which is her fulltime job?

♦ What is the staffer’s contributi­on to the Health Care Institutio­n since she works eight hours in the day and has to work at least another eight hours at nights?

♦ Is this a new practice in the Public Service since the change of Administra­tion?

It shows clearly that the Nursing Administra­tion of the WDRH, cares less about the quality of Nursing Care to patients when this practice is being allowed and encouraged for the personal gain of some and more so this Ward Sister in particular.

We would be grateful for the Ministry of Public Health and the Chairman of the National Insurance Scheme investigat­e and address this matter urgently.

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