Stabroek News

Undercutti­ng the goals of local democracy

- Henryjeffr­

Historical­ly, never mind the lip service paid to it, local democratic elections have been a rarity in Guyana: 1959 then 1970, 1994 and finally 2016. This year it will, therefore, be the first time in decades that consecutiv­e elections are being held at the legally appointed time, and the government should be commended for this. However, holding local elections at the prescribed time is only one aspect of any democratic process and an important negative consequenc­e has resulted from it. Regardless of stated intentions to make local democracy relatively independen­t of the national political parties, given our existing political schisms, as the national political parties seek to utilise them as barometers of national electoral support, frequent elections bring the usual national political divisivene­ss to the local level.

Many had hoped that local councils would have engaged in self-management that would contribute to healing Guyana’s national ethnic divisivene­ss, but such has not been the case and if the government proceeds along its current path, it will never be the case. Another important element in national or local democratic process is redistrict­ing: the creation or adjustment of voting districts. Wherever this process takes place, political quarrels ensue and unless they are done transparen­tly and in keeping with internatio­nal best practices, redistrict­ing will lead to allegation­s of gerrymande­ring and political disassocia­tion as is now the case in Guyana,.

Best practices suggest that elections conducted on the basis of equal suffrage require equality of voting power: in principle no vote should carry disproport­ionately more weight than another and this usually requires periodic redistrict­ing. It also demands that there should be ‘a high degree of public participat­ion in the process’, which ‘should be reviewed sufficient­ly in advance of elections in order to minimize the effect of new boundaries on the election results and to avoid instabilit­y and voter confusion and disappoint­ment’ ( elections/16859?download=true). As a practical example of how these matters are best done in 2008, after some three decades, India completed a national redistrict­ing process.

An independen­t (non-political) three member delimitati­on commission comprising a former Supreme Court judge, the Chief Elections Commission­er of India and the State Election Commission­er of the state concerned was establishe­d to carry out this process. Both national and local political participat­ion is important so ten elected representa­tives (five from the state legislatur­e and five from the national parliament) were appointed associate non-voting members to advise the commission. The commission also consulted various district officials before preparing a detailed draft proposal with the proposed new boundaries. ‘This draft proposal was widely published, public comments are invited, and public sittings in one or more places were held to hear the view of the public. Political parties in the state scrutinize­d these proposals and submitted their views for considerat­ion, often proposing new boundaries for certain constituen­cies. After taking all these views into account, final reports were published for each state, all of which were approved by the President of India in August 2008, and came into effect in subsequent elections’ ( /Papers /LakshmiIye­r.pdf).

‘The writers of the above article stated ‘Our results suggest that a politicall­y neutral redistrict­ing process can be implemente­d by a non-political body with a transparen­t and inclusive process.’ Commonsens­e suggests that no such process could be expected in the manipulati­ve and acrimoniou­s political context of Guyana where it was not even possible to find a mutually acceptable chairperso­n of the Guyana Elections Commission. Neverthele­ss, redistrict­ing must be built on a significan­t level of consensus if elections are to be considered free and fair and local government entities considered authentic. Sadly, what has recently taken place in Guyana cannot be properly defined as transparen­t and democratic. Not surprising then, that the opposition has been up in arms, accusing the government of damaging the local democratic process by acting without proper consultati­on. According to it, the government is involved in a blatant effort to gerrymande­r the local constituen­cies to enhance its support and undermine that of the opposition at the upcoming elections.

Minister of Communitie­s Ronald Bulkan, within whose remit redistrict­ing is, has made a spirited but strange response to the opposition’s claims. The minister said that ‘the exercise of rebalancin­g the size of some councils was done pursuant to sections 5 and 12 of the Local Democratic Organs Act Chapter 28:09 which specifical­ly states that the Minister may by Order provide for, among other things, the compositio­n and constituti­on of each local democratic organ’. And, ‘Notwithsta­nding the soundness of this exercise in law, it was not done capricious­ly. … (but) was duly guided by relevant considerat­ions such as the demographi­cs of these areas.’ The hollowness of the opposition’s claim is ‘exposed by the reality that it was this administra­tion that restored local democracy after a hiatus of two decades and aims to fortify the gains with the first holding of consecutiv­e LGEs as legally due in Guyana’s post-independen­t history.’

No one would deny that after decades of demographi­c changes and the introducti­on of a mixed electoral system based on proportion­al representa­tion and first-past-thepost voting arrangemen­ts, etc rebalancin­g will be necessary, but as we have seen above, following the ‘letter of the law’ could only be one aspect of a process that demanded widespread consultati­on to build a national consensus. Let us put aside the minister’s apparent contention that somehow following the law afforded him the opportunit­y to be whimsical, since when can the fact that one reestablis­hed a system be sufficient proof that one does not intend to manipulate it in one’s interest?! Are these not the same people who in opposition promised to depolitici­ze the appointmen­t of regional executive officers but upon winning the 2015 elections immediatel­y proceeded to do so to strengthen their foothold in the regional democratic system?!

The fundamenta­l concern is the absence of proper consultati­on and consensus, and this cannot be successful­ly answered by a response that suggests that the minister could act unilateral­ly because he represents the state, which is more universal that the locality. In this regard he said, ‘Article 12 of our Supreme Law clearly underscore­s not only the importance of local government to the organisati­on of the State but the entitlemen­t of each Guyanese to participat­e in the management and developmen­t of their community.’ It appears to me that Article 12 suggests the need for more and not less consultati­on. The absence of consultati­ons cannot likewise be answered by resort to subjective, randomized, unstructur­ed responses and requests: ‘the activation of the eight (8) new NDCs is as a direct result of the pleas of residents in those areas for greater representa­tion. Residents bemoaned the lack of representa­tion by their Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on issues that affect their communitie­s!’ Similarly, pointing to single associated consultati­ve event will not do: ‘it was through meaningful consultati­on that the new township of Mahdia, … excludes these villages as is the expressed desire of their respective Village Councils!’

As the recent Caribbean Court of Justice decision in the Guyana Sugar Corporatio­n suggests, adequate consultati­on is a human right and in political matters like redistrict­ing, it is indispensa­ble. In not properly consulting, the minister lost an important opportunit­y to advance local democracy and has opened the door to accusation­s that he and his party have utilised the process to their advantage. Under British colonial rule of the 1950s and 1960s, the PPP was the victim of massive gerrymande­ring by the colonial powers in the interest of the PNC and its associates and when the minister’s current action is associated with other suspect electionsr­elated behaviour, the opposition’s concerns can hardly be defined as ‘misguided fixation on winning.’

Indeed, the minister tells us that one of his party’s ‘main focuses at this juncture is increasing community engagement, involvemen­t and electoral participat­ion in LG via the medium of public education and awareness’, but in proceeding without proper consultati­ons, without giving the populace in the given areas the opportunit­y to help to design their communitie­s, it matters not how much he urges all Guyanese ‘to seize their constituti­onal right to manage and develop their community’. He has already undercut any hope of his goal being achieved in a timely fashion.

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