Stabroek News

Ministry of Social Protection to propose arbitrator for teachers wages


As the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) and the Ministry of Education (MoE) approach another stalemate over their inability to agree on a chair for the arbitratio­n, the Ministry of Social Protection (MoSP) has stepped in and agreed to nominate a chairperso­n.

A statement from MoSP noted that they had been approached by the Ministry to nominate the chairman in keeping with the provisions of the extant Collective Labour Agreement between GTU and MoE.

“The Ministry… agreed to satisfy the request of the Ministry of Education and has since written to the President of the Union indicating its acceptance of the… request. The Union was advised also that it would be informed of future developmen­ts on the matter in due course,” the statement concludes.

GTU General Secretary Coretta McDonald confirmed receipt of the letter to Stabroek News and indicated that the union is not opposed to a nomination from the MoSP.

“It’s a nomination. A nomination can be accepted or rejected so we are not concerned about that request,” she said adding that if the nominee suggested is suitable the union will accept.

In the interim McDonald reiterated that the union stands behind its three nominees and remains unwilling to accept their rejection without reason by the Ministry.

“We have submitted three names and we will hold on to those three names until we are given good reason to let go,” McDonald stressed adding that the union is hopes that there would be no need for further industrial action though they would not rule it out.

“This is an issue on which we cannot back down,” she stressed. Last Friday attempts to set up an arbitratio­n panel to settle the wage dispute between the Union and the Ministry of Education fell apart after the two sides failed to agree on a Chairman.

McDonald told media that the union proposed former Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashleigh Jackson, former Minister of Education Jeffrey Thomas and Dr. Aubrey Armstrong as possible chairs, but they were all rejected “without reason” by ministry representa­tives.

Armstrong is best known for his chairmansh­ip of the 1999 Arbitratio­n Tribunal between the Guyana Public Service Union, the Federated Union of Government Employees and the Government of Guyana.

McDonald revealed that MoE, for its part, proposed Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Telecommun­ications Derrick Cummings, and Glendon Harris, the Human Resources Manager of the Guyana Revenue Authority.

According to GTU President Mark Lyte, these men were rejected by the union on the basis that they are serving members of the public service, hence government functionar­ies. Therefore, to select either as chair is to create a situation of conflict of interest, he said.

McDonald questioned whether the government was serious about a resolution, while Lyte expressed the opinion that the Ministry’s representa­tives were attempting to stall the process. “It is discouragi­ng that the ministry would put forward names that the smallest child would reject as unsuitable. It seems to be an attempt to stall the process or frustrate us. It really seemed as if the representa­tives were trying to play games,” he declared

Since 2015, the union has been attempting to negotiate a multi-year salary and non-salary benefit package with the APNU+AFC government but negotiatio­ns have dragged on. An October, 2017 breakdown in negotiatio­ns and a declaratio­n by the union that its members would proceed on strike led to an interventi­on by President Granger, who set up a High Level Task Force to continue negotiatio­ns and reach a consensus.

The Task Force met for five months and recommende­d that Cabinet consider granting teachers a 40% increase on 2015 salaries and a 5% increase for each of the four remaining years of the agreement.

However, citing the high cost of the recommende­d increase, $4 billion for teachers and $10 billion if extended to all public servants, the administra­tion rejected the report of the Task Force as deficient.

Teachers were instead offered a $700 million ball park figure for 2018 salary increases. This was rejected and the GTU decided to engage in strike action beginning in the pre-term on August 27th.

The strike action gained momentum on the first day of the school year, with thousands of teachers withdrawin­g their services and taking to the streets to protest, while the MoE implemente­d a contingenc­y plan which saw student-teachers, retired teachers and volunteers take to the classrooms.

However, with the number of teachers engaged in strike action increasing every day, the Ministry on September 6th signaled its intention to agree to the union’s demand to proceed to arbitratio­n. Following the agreement to end the strike, teachers returned to work on Monday.The terms signed on to by the parties to the dispute for resumption indicated that there would be no victimizat­ion by either side, no loss of pay and seniority, and the status quo ante, that is, the conditions in relation to wages, salaries and non-salary benefits which existed before the strike, would prevail.

Most importantl­y, the terms indicate that within 24 hours after full resumption, the parties will meet to determine the terms of reference for the Arbitratio­n Panel, as guided by the 1990 Memorandum of Agreement between the MoE and the GTU.

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