Stabroek News

I prefer cash vouchers whenever the time and oil revenues arrive


Dear Editor,

As the election campaign is manifested in all manner of ways one is “supplied” frequently, with issues which provoke thought, analysis, debate. One-time Working People’s Alliance (WPA) activist-leader Dr Clive Thomas seriously dangled a political carrot in front of the voting poor – inclusive of PPP supporters (?) - with his million-dollar Cash Transfer Proposal.

Weeks ago I wondered whether he meant all Guyanese adults eighteen and over. Now I’m hearing that all households will be the recipients. (Presumably the financiall­y–comfortabl­e Private Sector and politicall­y-assisted households will be included in the Cash Grants donations as well.)

I have obviously mismanaged my personal working-class earnings over the last decades of my working–life. I’m still in significan­t financial debt. So I’m one who could use one million dollars from the oil revenues right now. I promise to spend that sum responsibl­y. I’ll pay off NBS and others, then even donate a little to big causes.

But this note is intended to pay tribute – disguised or not – to the enduring tenacity of Dr David Hinds. The man finds ways, single-handedly, to try to sustain the relevance of the once – powerful WPA Third Force. From Afro-outreaches to the Oil Cash Payments, the good doctor from Buxton and Tempe (Arizona) presents the WPA as still some political force this season. If only on paper. Dr Rodney’s legacy seems to reside in Dr Hinds’ hands solely. “Groundings” or no “Groundings” on Sundays.

Read this “Reasoning” from Hinds: “There is a critical mass of the African Guyanese constituen­cy whose political thinking is in line with the WPA…” and “In the process we are putting WPA’s traditiona­l values, its political culture and its ideas for developmen­t before the people of Guyana. We do so cognizant that there is a critical mass of people who look to us for political guidance and leadership and that we have the capacity to sway disgruntle­d voters who may otherwise choose to stay home.”

The claim being made here is one of sustained relevance for a group which one-time activist-leader Dr Roopnarain­e swore was no longer interested in “electoral politics” a few years ago.

PNC Leader and Brigadier–President His Excellency tried some shrewd and strategic politickin­g when he announced a “six-party” coalition – APNU – which includes powerful political parties like Keith Scott’s outfit, Sharma’s Justice For All and Hinds’ WPA. I suppose every vote counts so these three, for example, could attract thousands to provide the PNC with crucial seats.

I’ve always wondered what role Dr Thomas played when Minister Trotman, Mr Dennison and whoever else were negotiatin­g with the Oil Giants. Was the WPA’s Dr Thomas included? After the fact only? The real poor will always welcome Thomas Cash Payments. I won’t join the debate here. Except to say that I prefer cash vouchers whenever the time and revenues arrive. Well-structured schemes to provide specific vouchers for spending on education, health, foodstuff and other specific needs. I expect numerous new “households” will quickly emerge as overseas brothers and sisters return – however temporaril­y.

In closing two related “campaign” points: it’s interestin­g to see Afro-academics offering strategic support to the PNC as “the others” do to the PPP. But the working-class must think for themselves too after listening/reading the academics, for “brilliant minds” have us where we are now. Secondly, as long as Dr Hinds contribute­s, the WPA, like imminent Oil and Gas, will stay “alive”, striving for relevance.

Yours faithfully,

Allan Arthur Fenty

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