Stabroek News

Combating child labour in global supply chains

- By Kailash Satyarthi

NEW DELHI – Every day, 152 million children perform hard labour, often in hazardous conditions. Bangladesh’s garment factories, which are staffed largely by women and, often, children, are a prime example. Between 2006 and 2012, more than 500 Bangladesh­i garment workers died in factory fires. In November 2012, a single fire left 117 workers dead, and more than 200 injured. A mere five months later, a factory outside Dhaka collapsed, killing more than 1,100 people and injuring over 2,500 more.

Fortunatel­y, the world increasing­ly seems to recognize the urgency of ending child labour. In 2015, global leaders agreed, as part of target 8.7 of the United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs), to “take immediate and effective measures” to “secure the prohibitio­n and eliminatio­n of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitmen­t and use of child soldiers.” Child labor “in all its forms,” they pledged, should be ended by 2025.

Meeting the target will require – in addition to free, quality, and equitable education, enforcemen­t of laws prohibitin­g child labor, and promotion of decent working conditions for adults and social protection schemes – a whole-of-supply-chain approach. After all, as a recent OECD report shows, 28-43% of the child labor that is estimated to contribute to exports does so indirectly, through preceding links in supply chains (such as extraction of raw materials or agricultur­e). This complicate­s due diligence, visibility, and traceabili­ty.

Here, the Netherland­s provides a promising example. In 2014, at a parliament­ary hearing about human-rights violations in global garment supply chains, I advocated

This article was received from Project Syndicate, an internatio­nal not-for-profit associatio­n of newspapers dedicated to hosting a global debate on the key issues shaping our world

for legislatio­n much like what we have been fighting for in Germany: companies supplying the Dutch market should be held responsibl­e for ensuring that no child labor is used throughout their supply chains. I reiterated my case with parliament­arians of various countries around the world.

In 2017, the lower house of the Dutch parliament adopted the Child Labor Due Diligence Law, requiring companies selling to the Dutch market to identify child labor in their supply chains; create a plan of action to combat it; and issue a formal statement on their efforts. Early last year, the Senate voted to adopt the law.

Germany may soon follow suit. Last November, hundreds of young people took to the streets of Berlin to demand a federal law requiring German businesses to ensure that no child labor is used anywhere in their supply chains. The event – backed by the 100 Million campaign, which I founded – was the culminatio­n of over a year of such demands from young activists.

Germany’s government seems to be listening, with members of the Bundestag from a range of political parties pledging their support. If Germany – which assumes the presidency of the European Union in July – passes such legislatio­n, it can serve as a powerful example to others, in Europe and beyond.

Global action is vital. Working in over 140 countries, I have seen firsthand how child-labor laws are undermined by corruption, lack of political will, and weak corporate accountabi­lity. But if the largest markets, where companies reap the largest profits, ensure that products’ entire supply chains are ethical and sustainabl­e, it becomes much more difficult to dodge accountabi­lity, even in countries beset by corruption or weak institutio­ns.

This is good for business. According to a 2015 study, 73% of millennial­s (born between 1977 and 1995) are willing to spend more money on sustainabl­e goods and services. That year, the study found, brands that showed a commitment to sustainabi­lity registered sales growth of 4% globally, whereas sales growth for those that didn’t was less than 1%. This trend – which includes not only environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, but also ethical practices – will only accelerate in the years ahead.

Government­s – among the largest purchasers of goods and services – should similarly direct their spending toward ethical and sustainabl­e goods. Public procuremen­t represents 13% of GDP in OECD countries, and 15-25% elsewhere. Cross-border government procuremen­t also accounts for a sizable chunk of global trade.

If the world’s government­s imposed strict ethical

conditions on their suppliers, violations of human rights – including child labor – in supply chains would be drasticall­y reduced. Prerequisi­tes for success include political stewardshi­p, sustained commitment, relevant expertise, well-designed procuremen­t policies, and effective monitoring systems.

But if we are truly to achieve the SDG target of eliminatin­g child labor – including ensuring that child labor is not merely shifted to new, less regulated sectors – civil society must also be engaged, and local-level action must complement topdown efforts by government­s and companies. There is already a proven method for achieving this: the child-friendly village model that my organizati­on launched in 2001.

In more than 600 child-friendly villages that the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation (KSCF) has establishe­d in India, as well as those in Nepal and Uganda, all children attend school, and there is a community ban on child labor, traffickin­g, prostituti­on, and marriage. Furthermor­e, there is no forced labor, and adults enjoy decent work and social benefits.

This model does not take long to show results. Over the last three years alone, KSCF – together with a few American companies that import mica – applied this model in over 240 villages along India’s mica-mining belt, following revelation­s of rampant child labor in the sector. Child labor has now been completely eliminated in these villages.

Next week, participan­ts at a high-level meeting in the Netherland­s – facilitate­d by the Global March Against Child Labor, the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Internatio­nal Labor Organizati­on, and the Netherland­s Enterprise Agency – will discuss ways to achieve SDG 8.7. A holistic, area-based approach that engages government­s, corporatio­ns, and civil society should be at the top of the agenda. Our children deserve nothing less.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020.

 ??  ?? Kailash Satyarthi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is Honorary President of the Global March Against Child Labor and the founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save Childhood Movement).
Kailash Satyarthi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is Honorary President of the Global March Against Child Labor and the founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save Childhood Movement).
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