Stabroek News

Bosai testing tailings pond ahead of crucial EPA inspection


The operations of the Linden-based Bosai Minerals Group (Guyana) remained at a virtual stand-still up to yesterday as the company made final preparatio­ns to test the modificati­ons made to its tailings pond.

Once this testing is done, the facility will be ready for inspection by the Environmen­tal Protection Agency (EPA).

EPA Executive Director Dr. Vincent Adams had said last Thursday that the Chinese bauxite company was working to have all works completed by Friday, January 24th, 2020, after which an inspection would be carried out by the EPA before it decides whether to rescind the cease work order it imposed on Bosai on January 10th.

Yesterday, Dr. Adams told Stabroek News that the inspection had been postponed but he noted that it would happen soon.

When contacted, Wainewrigh­t Bechune, head of Bosai’s Environmen­t Department, yesterday morning said that the company was preparing to test the overall effectiven­ess of the tailings pond in light of the repairs and modificati­ons effected to it over the last two weeks.

Bechune also said that the EPA is scheduled to inspect the tailings pond today, and highlighte­d that yesterday’s testing was important.

On 10th January 2020, the EPA ordered the Chinese company to halt the discharge of water into the tailings pond after a breach of the pond led to the flooding of the yards of six residents of the Linden community of Noitgedach­t.

Residents suffered financial losses in varying degrees, but have since been reimbursed in full by Bosai, which also cleaned up the discharge, although residue of the discharge was still visible the day following the spill.

Bosai was fined $1 million for the breach, which Adams had said was related to another environmen­tal incident at the same operation in November, for which the bauxite company was also fined $1 million.

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