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Trump shifts rhetoric as he urges mask-wearing, warns of worsening pandemic


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) President Donald Trump, in a shift in rhetoric and tone, encouraged Americans yesterday to wear masks if they cannot maintain social distance and warned that the coronaviru­s pandemic would get worse before it got better.

In his first press briefing in months focused on the outbreak, Trump urged young people to avoid going to crowded bars and maintained that the virus would disappear at some point.

Trump’s remarks were a change in strategy from his robust emphasis on reopening the U.S. economy after its long, virus-induced shutdown and represente­d his first recent acknowledg­ement of how bad the problem has become.

“It will probably, unfortunat­ely, get worse before it gets better - something I don’t like saying about things, but that’s the way it is,” Trump told reporters.

Nearly 142,000 people have died in the United States from the highly contagious respirator­y illness COVID-19, the most of any country.

The Republican president, who downplayed the virus in its early stages and once referred to maskwearin­g as politicall­y correct, has been reluctant to wear a face covering himself.

He wore one for the first time in public during a recent visit to a military hospital but has otherwise eschewed putting one on in front of the press.

Mask-wearing has become a partisan issue, with some supporters of the president arguing that requiremen­ts to wear one infringe on their civil liberties. Few people wore masks at Trump’s first rally since the pandemic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, earlier this summer.

As coronaviru­s cases skyrocket across the country, including in politicall­y important states such as Florida, Texas and Arizona, Trump, who is trailing Democrat Joe Biden in opinion polls ahead of the Nov. 3 election, on Tuesday showcased a new position on the importance of covering mouths and noses.

“We’re asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask, get a mask. Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact. They’ll have an effect. And we need everything we can get,” he said.

Trump said he was getting used to masks and would wear one himself in groups or when on an elevator.

Donald Trump

“I will use it, gladly,” he said. “Anything that potentiall­y can help ... is a good thing.”

A Biden campaign spokeswoma­n said Trump’s assertion that his administra­tion has had a “relentless focus” on COVID-19 was prepostero­us.

U.S. House of Representa­tives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, said in an interview with CNN that Trump’s new embrace of mask-wearing was a recognitio­n of his mistakes in dealing with the coronaviru­s.

“This is not a hoax - it is a pandemic that has gotten worse before it will get better because of his inaction, and in fact clearly it is the Trump virus,” Pelosi said.

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