Stabroek News

GBA disappoint­ed no national sports awards for 2020

-says Priyanna Ramdhani would have won back-to-back junior Sportswoma­n-of-the-Year awards


The Guyana Badminton Associatio­n ( GBA) has expressed its disappoint­ment that there will be no 2020 National Sports Commission (NSC) award this year, noting that the 2019 junior Sportswoma­n- of- the- Year, Priyanna Ramdhani was primed to walk away with the award once again.

No official explanatio­n was given for the award’s hiatus this year, however, the five-month delay in declaring a winner of the March 2 general and regional elections, coupled with the ongoing pandemic, are speculated to be the reasons behind its absence.

Additional­ly, the recently installed government is yet to identify a Director of Sport nor appoint members of the National Sports Commission which may further impact the possibilit­y of the awards being organised this year.

Neverthele­ss, the Guyana Badminton Associatio­n is adamant that the local and regional badminton queen would have easily served her way to another NSC award.

“We are also very disappoint­ed there was no NSC Awards this year where Priyanna Ramdhani would have easily got the Junior Sportswoma­n-of-the-Year Award again,” the associatio­n said via a release.

In this regard, the associatio­n said it is keen to meet with the new Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr., to discuss plans, particular­ly the possibilit­y of getting a home for the sport.

“We hope to meet with the Minister of Sports soon to outline our badminton activities, difficulti­es and produce our detailed plan of a badminton building that we can call our home. With our own home, one can imagine the heights we can go as we are already doing with less structure,” the release noted.

Meanwhile, the associatio­n also noted that its interna

Priyanna Ramdhani tional agenda has been severely affected due to the ongoing global pandemic but assured that the country’s two top players, Priyanna Ramdhani and Narayan Ramdhani, are keeping fit and are back on the court in Canada while anticipati­ng a return to the sport in 2021.

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