Stabroek News

This is why the IDB Invest could not find any bankable projects

- Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter that appeared in the Stabroek News on February 8, 2021, in which the former Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan responded to Mike Persaud on the US$4 million bakery to be set up in Guyana by the Fernandes Group – a Surinamese bakery. In his response, the former Finance Minister sought to take credit for the Inter-American Developmen­t Bank (IDB) Invest arm that is now lending to the private sector. The Minister stated that during his tenure as Finance Minister he worked tirelessly to get the IDB Invest and the IDB Lab to invest in bankable projects within the private sector.

The manner in which the former Minister expressed himself in the letter gives one the impression that the IDB could not find any bankable projects to lend during his five-year tenure and is only now finding bankable projects. Clearly, the former Minister does not seem to understand

I reside on the East Coast of Demerara, and it is most disturbing to see the amount of animals walking across the roadway and grazing on the median. It is definitely not fair to have these animals roaming on a public road which so many vehicles use.

While it is heartening to note that the government is giving out house lots to persons, I would like to suggest that they also give lands to animal owners. The owners would have the responsibi­lity to fence these lands and make them pastures for animals to graze comfortabl­y without being a nuisance to traffic and persons.

The animal owners should be warned that they can take out and bring in their animals at certain times, which should be early in the morning and collect them before the peak hours when the traffic is heavy. Failing to abide by these rules, the owners of these animals should be charged and their animals impounded.

Over the weekend, a motorcycli­st and his pillion rider were both injured and hospitaliz­ed when a horse ran into the path of their motorcycle.

Yours sincerely,

Name and address withheld

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