Stabroek News

The effect the PPP/C strategy is having on youths in the other main political party

- Dear Editor,

Within recent times, we have witnessed not exactly an exodus but a noticeable movement of individual­s away from the APNU/AFC Coalition. Certain determinan­ts appears to have influenced and are influencin­g a subtle but direct and deep change in the coalition, in general, and the PNC/R, in particular. These include: leadership; a new and awakening political consciousn­ess among party members; the push, by some members, for greater internal democracy in the PNC/Coalition; dissatisfa­ction, on the part of members, about representa­tion by the opposition at the national level; fear of the unknown, and the political strategy of the ruling party, PPP/C. A random search for the key determinan­ts among the aforementi­oned factors would probably select any one of those elements as a key factor depending on focus of writer. Leadership is essential for the growth and developmen­t of an organizati­on. In fact, there are certain necessary governing rules for effective leadership. In essence, it is the foundation upon which every other part of an organizati­on rest and the center of attraction around which all other things revolve; effective leadership could be the difference between defeat and victory. Without it there can be no coherence; no force. Often, the cultures of political organisati­ons are shaped by the personalit­ies of their leaders. However, in the case of the coalition, there does appear to be a challenge with leadership.

It can be easily argued that an organisati­on’s communicat­ion channel is its critical vulnerabil­ity. Every word spoken on behalf of the party has to be in sync with the general philosophy, message and thrust of the party. And, as a matter of course, the party assigns speaking roles to specific individual­s under clear guidance and instructio­ns from its leadership. This

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