Stabroek News

Linden Town Council driver charged with causing death of biker


A driver with the Linden Mayor and Town Council was yesterday charged with causing the death of Adrean Andries, a motorcycli­st, who died following a collision with a truck.

Stanton, of Lot 303 One Mile, Wismar, Linden, was arraigned virtually before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court. He denied the charge which alleges that on September 12, at One Mile Public Road, Wismar, Linden, he drove motor lorry GWW 9089 in a manner dangerous to the public, thereby causing the death of Adrean Andries.

He was also charged with driving while not being the holder of a valid driver’s licence at the time.

The accused was represente­d by an attorney-at-law who made an applicatio­n for Stanton to be released on reasonable bail. According to the attorney, Stanton was placed on station bail and had been complying with all conditions set, including showing up for court yesterday. Hence, he assured that his client will attend court for the trial of the matter.

While the police prosecutor did not object to bail, she asked that conditions be applied.

According to the facts of the matter, Andries and Stanton collided at about 12:45pm along the One Mile Public Road. Stanton had been proceeding in a westerly direction along the northern side of the road. He stopped to pick up garbage and thereafter, while attempting to turn south across the road, he ended up in the path of Andries who was coming from the opposite direction on his motorcycle CK8951. The truck collided with Stanton and he fell onto the roadway. He was picked up in an unconsciou­s state and pronounced dead on arrival at the Linden Hospital Complex.

However, the attorney refuted the prosecutor’s account as told to the court. He said that according to what his client had told him, the truck had been in a stationary position when the collision occurred. In response, the prosecutor reminded the court that the facts were based on informatio­n which the investigat­ing rank gathered from statements. She also noted that his licence was not valid for the vehicle he was driving at the time. She then requested that should bail be granted, Stanton must report to the police station on the third Monday of each month until the trial of the matter is completed. She also requested that Stanton lodge his passport but he told the court that he doesn’t have one.

The Chief Magistrate then placed the accused on $400,000 bail for the causing death by dangerous driving charge, and $20,000 bail for driving without a licence fit for the motor vehicle he was using.

The matter was adjourned until October 6.

 ?? ?? Adrean Andries
Adrean Andries

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