Stabroek News

Colin was a good Guyanese man...


We could speak of many things: Black Lives, political life in Guyana, and the implicatio­ns for the wider social welfare, family and always the place and position of our Church in the scheme of things. In the context of his passing, it is ironic that we also touched many times upon health, and I am amazed at where things ended up, and how abruptly. In his hospitaliz­ation and related passing I again found much revealing, in the resilience of his spirit, the endurance of his strength. This man Colin was a fighter of remarkable stamina.

Now that he is no longer here, with that steady, comforting presence of his, his immediate family and relations will feel the sharp sting of piercing loss. The Catholic Standard media family will have a different feel, because he is not there. And Guyana’s wider Roman Catholic

Church family mourns the loss of a stalwart, a longstandi­ng presence and contributo­r of conspicuou­s humility, simplicity, dignity, and Christian citizenshi­p. Colin was one of those quiet decent Guyanese, who I was blessed to know, to share time with and, on occasion, space in the all too brief span that I knew him.

He will be missed for being more than a friend. He was a brother, who brought a lot to the table in a thoughtful, unobtrusiv­e way. To identify someone as a brother in Guyana, is not something so easy for me to say, since I don’t go about looking for them, or embrace them this readily. In this briefest of tributes that I can share of him, let this be sufficient: Colin Smith was a good man: a good family man, a good Guyanese man, and a good Christian man. He will be missed. I will miss him. Rest in peace, friend and brother.


GHK Lall

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