Stabroek News

Cummings Lodge continues to be neglected

- Dear Editor, Yours sincerely, R. Khan

Since my letter in this newspaper on June 16 about the deplorable state of Sixth Street, Cummings Lodge no action has been taken. I also would like to thank Stabroek News for doing a follow-up just after. Editor, this Government continues from where they left off prior to 2015, concentrat­e on the multi-million dollar projects and ignore the small but important needs of the citizens. They may very well wait until this street become worse and then give out a contract for millions of dollars to redo it and then to add insult to injury and have one of their Ministers parading on Facebook about this accomplish­ment. This is the modus operandi of this Government. This is how they are wasting the people’s money.

Editor if you would allow me to make a comparison about the developmen­t of the villages in these parts I would be grateful. Now Cummings Lodge has borders namely: University of Guyana‘s gate, U.G. Road, the Arch on the Public Road and the Sea Wall with a few Wards like Atlantic Ville and Hugh Ghanie Park. Let us include South Cummings Lodge which used to be cane fields belonging to

GuySuCo and is located south of Cummings Lodge. I would like to compare the treatment of the aforementi­oned areas and nearby Sophia.

Now let me say that all the projects done in Sophia are much needed by their residents and I hope this continues. Cummings Lodge and its environs pale in comparison with no playfield, no shelter, no police outpost, cemetery in a deplorable state and a host of other problems and deficienci­es. It is my honest opinion that if a similar issue like the one in Sixth Street was highlighte­d in Sophia then it would have been resolved already by the PPP/C Administra­tion.

What is practised here by this regime is that they believe that their votes are already secure in our villages so why worry, work to be done in other areas.

Editor, it is high time that supporters of this Government understand how they operate and take note. They believe they can fool the people all the time but that is long-time days. Money is not the problem now so people should make demands when they are inconvenie­nced.

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