Stabroek News

Parity should be the foundation on which national developmen­t projects are undertaken


Dear Editor,

The SN article of Jan 14, 2023 caught my attention when the headline stated, “Ministry defends need for Level 5 Hospital in New Amsterdam.” As a Berbician, my first reaction was why does the Ministry need to “defend” such a good thing that will benefit Region 6? My second reaction was why did we not have a Level 5 (high quality) before? Are we less deserving than Region 4 and the Georgetown folks? I am a Berbician and would welcome any initiative by the Government to bring about equity across the regions. The President used the word “parity” in his speech. Parity should be the foundation on which national developmen­t projects are conceptual­ized and undertaken. As my friend Suresh would say, “wha happen, goat bite we in Region 6?” It is good that the Government is seeking to bring about equitable services across the country.

I attended the event for the sod turning for the new hospital. Berbicians are excited to know there will be an upgrade of services at New Amsterdam. The building of a new Mental Health facility here and medical training center are also commendabl­e. Projects such as these must be celebrated by all. This is progress! Over the years, key services are placed in New Amsterdam or near to New Amsterdam. I wished this new hospital was located in Central Corentyne or Lower Corentyne, close to the Port Mourant Hospital area, where there is a large population. In emergencie­s, when patients from the upper Corentyne, Central Corentyne, or Lower Corentyne have to travel by ambulance to reach the New Amsterdam Hospital or Georgetown Hospital, they could die before they get there.

What would compensate is to also do massive upgrades to the Port Mourant

Hospital so that it functions as a real hospital, not an outfit that refers people elsewhere. More needs to be done to that aged, outdated facility. Also, have a larger fleet of ambulances stationed on the Corentyne and available to transport emergency cases to New Amsterdam. With the number of new hospitals and health care facilities to be built, it is clear that the government is on the right track, and the health care delivery system is rising. What the SN article sought to do was to ask appropriat­e, reflective questions about all the investment­s made at the current hospital. The questions posed were fair questions. The press has a role in promoting accountabi­lity in national affairs.

I am speculatin­g that the buildings and space there can be repurposed for medically related activities or services. Extra space is always useful. Berbicians can’t wait for the new Level 5 (high quality) facility to be completed. With the large numbers of new hospitals and facilities to be built, we must also have a plan for the related personnel needs.


Dr. Jerry Jailall

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