Honduras Tips

A pre-hispanic past


Before the Spaniards arrived in the Honduran territory at the beginning of the 16th century, there were already hundreds of inhabitant­s in the place. It was a big surprise to realize that in the new continent there were a lot of indigenous people, some of them Lencas, Tolupanes, Misquitos and Chortis. They lived in the valleys, islands and mountains of the territory, and they already had their own establishe­d culture and customs. In addition, in other places like Olancho and the Mosquitia, other indigenous groups, with unknown names, lived and had a deep-rooted culture. The impressive Copán Ruins and the Mayan culture is the most representa­tive sample of Honduran archeology. The Mayan civilizati­on in Honduras built one of the most powerful and artistic cities of the Mayan culture.

This majestic city endured throughout the years (250 - 900 AD), with a long dynasty of 16 governors during the Classic period. But the Copán Ruins were not their only creation, the archaeolog­ical site El

Puente is a sample of the territoria­l expansion of Copán.

Honduras has a large number of newly discovered archeologi­cal sites and many more waiting for their discovery. To observe the first records of humans in the Honduran territory, visit La Cueva del Gigante, located in Marcala. Researcher­s say this was the place where hunters and gatherers rested and considered home, starting in the Archaic period (10.000-4,000 AC) through the Formative period (1760-220 DC).

 ??  ?? Estela a. de 18 conejos/ stelre a. 18 conejos. parque arqueológi­co El puente/ el puente archaeolog­ical park. un costado de la plaza central En copán ruinas/ along side of copán ruinas central plaza.
Estela a. de 18 conejos/ stelre a. 18 conejos. parque arqueológi­co El puente/ el puente archaeolog­ical park. un costado de la plaza central En copán ruinas/ along side of copán ruinas central plaza.

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