

- 編輯總監Mark Jones


place to spend August in the northern hemisphere? My tip: pick a place that spends half of the year freezing, dark – or both. That’s where they really know how to relish a summer.

Some of my most idyllic midsummer memories are of places where we readily think of down jackets and hot chocolate rather than cold beer and bikinis. I’m thinking of the slow drive I took up the west coast of Sweden, or the winding tour of the British Columbia winelands, or strolling around the parks of Moscow or island hopping in the southern archipelag­o of Finland. The days seemed


我有不少如詩如畫的仲­夏回憶,回憶中的仲夏勝地很容­易令人聯想到羽絨外套­和熱朱古力,而非冰凍啤酒與比堅尼。我想起的是在瑞典西岸­慢悠的自駕遊,在卑詩省產酒區迂迴曲­折的旅程,或者在莫斯科的公園漫­步,還有遊覽多個芬蘭南部­的群島。白晝長得彷彿沒有 to last forever and everyone, young and old, is outside messing about on the water or absorbing as much of the sun as they can before it hibernates again. There’s a carefree hedonism those of us who live closer to the equator just don’t get to experience.

That’s why we enjoyed Will Hide’s story on Zürich’s obsession with outdoor swimming (page 38). We associate the Swiss city with business suits, not swimsuits. Nothing goes with a frozen margarita like having a preconcept­ion challenged.


Mark Jones

Editorial director


因此我們非常喜歡Wi l l Hide筆下蘇黎世人­熱衷戶外游泳的故事( 38頁)。這個瑞士城市的人不只­穿著整齊的西裝去上班,他們也會換上泳衣跳進­水裡;遇到令你打破成見的事­物,有如醍醐灌頂,心下豁然。

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