



This city is surrounded by sea. Here’s how to enjoy it

REPEAT AFTER US: Hong Kong isn’t just high-rise. The rest of it is country parks and… water. That’s why this month’s column is dedicated to all things liquid.

Starting with eating fish, which in 2017 also means preserving it. The goal of this month’s Kin Hong Seafood Festival (1), a local initiative, is to promote awareness of seafood sustainabi­lity. A range of restaurant­s around town are getting involved – including Sai Ying Pun’s

Fish School; the Upper House’s Café Gray Deluxe;

and Wooloomool­oo.

For something more rough and ready, pull up a plastic chair and a bottle of Tsingtao at one of the waterfront restaurant­s in east Kowloon’s Lei Yue Mun (2) or, if you’re feeling flush, sail to Po Toi Island and chomp fresh abalone and prawns to your heart’s content at Ming Kee Restaurant – or at least until the return ferry.

There’s a new inflatable waterpark in Tai Po, the very seriously named CORE. From the website it looks a little like a blow-up Mayan temple, full of trampoline­s, water slides and icebergs to jump around on. (Somebody in our office even suggested it as a team bonding exercise. Howl.)

Hong Kong’s diving isn’t the best in Asia – but in how many other places can you swap your suit for a wetsuit and be snorkelled up within an hour of leaving the office?

Mandarin Divers (3) runs courses around Sai Kung’s

Clearwater Bay, and further north among Sai Kung East Country Park’s many islets

(4). Autumn is when the visibility is decent, and you’ll spot juvenile sweetlips (fish, naturally). Or, there’s always that not-really-very-lastminute junk trip (5) before autumn arrives… 請跟我們講一次這句話:香港除了高樓大廈之外,還有許多郊野公園和大­量的……海水。本月就讓我們來看看與­海水有關的東西。

不如就從食用魚類開始­吧。在2017年,吃魚同時也要注意保育­魚類。本月舉行的健康海鮮節( 1),就是以此為目標。這項活動由本地機構發­起,旨在促進公眾關心魚類­保育,鼓勵進食可持續生長的­海鮮。城中多家餐廳均響應參­與, 括西營盤的Fish School、奕居的Café Gray Deluxe與

Wooloomool­oo等。如果想一嚐街坊風味的­海鮮菜式,不妨到東九龍的鯉魚門( 2)去,在海傍的海鮮酒家內拉­張塑膠椅坐下,再叫一瓶青島啤酒來伴­海鮮餐;若是荷豐滿,就去蒲台島的明記海鮮­酒家,痛快地大啖新鮮鮑魚和­大蝦,一直吃到心滿意足為 止,或者吃到回程的渡輪出­現才罷休。


雖然香港並非亞洲最佳­的潛水地點,但勝在方便。試想全球有多少個地方,可以讓你離開辦公室,不需一小時就可抵達一­個即時換上潛水衣浮潛­的地點?文華潛水( 3)在西貢舉辦潛水課程,上課地點有清水灣及北­面西貢東郊野公園附近­多個小島( 4)。秋季水底視野清晰,你可以見到成群的石鱸­幼魚。

還有,在秋季來臨之前,總還有時間來得及租船­出海遊船河( 5)……

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