

TCKs are an ever-growing group – and they’re creating insightful media about cross- cultural identities TCK是個不斷增長的­社群,他們亦以文字和音創樂 作了不少作品,為探索跨文身化 份提供別有見地的新角­度



The Sympathise­r, Viet Thanh Nguyen’s stunning, darkly humorous look at Eurasian and third culture identity after the Vietnam War. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar

Wao, in which Junot Díaz merges Puerto Rican Spanglish with nerdy boyhood to wonderful effect. The Reluctant Fundamenta­list by Mohsin Hamid explores being torn between Eastern and Western cultures and worlds.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi bridges Iran and Austria in a beautiful graphic novel.

Do Not Say We Have Nothing – Madeleine Thien’s examinatio­n of the experience of Chinese immigrants in Canada. White Teeth by Zadie Smith charts generation­s of immigrant children in London.


Constantly – Emmy the Great

The Eurasian singer/songwriter, who was born in Hong Kong, lived in London and now resides in New York, recorded this song twice, once in English and again in Mandarin – a tribute to her twin heritages.

Immigrants (We Get the Job Done) – The Hamilton Mixtape

Based on a song written by TCK playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by a who’s who of multilingu­al hip-hop stars, including Somali-Canadian rapper K’naan, Mexican-American Snow Tha Product, and British-Pakistani Riz MC (actor Riz Ahmed).

Viet Thanh Nguyen 的《The Sympathise­r》以流麗的筆觸與黑色幽­默,檢視越戰後的歐亞混血­與兒 第三文化身份。

Junot Díaz的《 The Brief

Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao》以波多黎各的西班牙式­英,語 描寫書呆子的童年時光,令人叫絕。

Mohsin Hamid的《The Reluctant


Marjane Satrapi的《Persepolis》以優美的圖像小說將伊­朗和奧地利連來繫起 。

Madeleine Thien的《Do Not Say

We Have Nothing》細中移訴國民在加拿大­的故事。

Zadie Smith的《White Teeth》回溯日代移民小孩在倫­敦的足跡。

〈Constantly〉– Emmy the Great生於香港的­唱作人Emmy the Great是歐亞混,血兒 曾在倫居敦住,現定居紐約。她分別為這首歌灌錄了­和英語 國語版,向她的兩個文化根源致。敬

〈Immigrants ( We Get the Job

Done) 〉– The Hamilton Mixtape

原曲由TCK劇作家兼­演員LinManue­l Miranda撰寫,由一眾嘻哈巨以星 多國語言唱出包, 括索馬里裔加拿大饒舌­歌手K’naan、墨西哥裔美國歌手Sn­ow Tha Product及英籍­巴勒斯坦員演 Riz MC(電影觀眾應對他在銀壇­使用的名字Riz Ahmed較熟為 悉)。

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