

The bikes are old, the riders often older – but Sri Lanka’s racing cyclists are a very special and determined breed. By STEVE THOMAS斯里蘭卡­的單車都很古舊,騎在上面的人更老邁,但這裡的單車手卻特立­獨行、意志堅定。撰文: Steve Thomas


STEVE THOMAS goes for a ride with Sri Lanka’s hardy road cyclists


Steve Thomas與堅毅的­斯里蘭卡公路單車手一­起騎車

Iwas huddled in the back of an early morning tuk-tuk from Colombo’s Bandaranai­ke Internatio­nal Airport to the seaside town of Negombo when I saw them: a couple of local cyclists. We kept driving. Soon there were hundreds of them riding in strung- out small groups, blazing through the busy morning chaos of Colombo’s suburbs towards the railway station.

This was no ordinary morning workout. These cyclists were nearly all hammering along on ancient steel roadsters, known locally as standard bikes. They’re weighty, rusty single speeders with wheelbases longer than the tuk-tuk.

That evening a tuk-tuk driver showed up at my guesthouse in Negombo to take me to the house of Babi, a local standard bike racing legend. Turning into a small side street, we came across a general store where Babi and his cycling family lived. A keen cyclist myself, I was here to join them on the roads.

Babi and his brothers, all pushing 50, are lifelong devotees to cycling. It was obvious from the classic 1950s Rudge and Raleigh roadsters outside their house. ‘ These are about 50 years old. They belonged to my father,’ Lakshman De Silva, Babi’s older brother, told me.

All over Sri Lanka you’ll find thousands of bikes, usually carrying a family or laden with goods just bought or ready to sell. But these heavyweigh­t single speeders are designed for sport, not commerce. A good, old, race-ready bike can be found for around 5,000 rupees (HK$255).

‘ We all grew up cycling as our father was a racer,’ says De Silva. ‘Babi was a big rider here – in 1984 he was Sri Lankan Champion on a regular road bike.’

Thousands of races happen throughout the year, all organised by word of mouth. The most intense are around the Sinhalese New Year (April, along with the Buddhist New Year).

Given the intense heat of the Sri 某天清晨,我從科倫坡班達拉奈克­國際機場前往海邊小鎮­Negombo。我鑽進篤篤車的狹小後­座,看然後 到幾個當地的單車手。

篤篤車繼續行駛。不久,在科倫坡近郊上午交通­繁忙時段的混一片 亂之中,數以百計騎著單車的人­成群結隊穿梭而過,往火車站的方向前進。



那天傍晚,一位篤篤車司機來到我­在Negombo下榻­的旅舍,載我到訪當地標準單車­比賽的傳奇人物Bab­i。車子駛入一條橫巷,經過一間Babi及其­單車手家族曾居住的雜­貨店。本我 身熱愛單車運動,這次是專程前來參加他­們的單車之行。

Babi和他的眾兄弟­都已年近半百,一直愛熱 單車運動,擺放在屋外的1950­年代經典Rudge牌­和Raleigh牌單­車正是最好的證明。的Babi 哥哥Lakshman De Silva告訴

我︰「這兩架單車已經歷半個­世紀,是我父親下留 的。」

斯里蘭卡全國有數以萬­計的單車,它們通常載著一家大小­或大量貨物。但這些沉甸甸的單速單­車其實是專為運動而非­貨運而設計。狀一架 態良好、可作比賽用的途單車售­價約5,000盧比( 255港元)。

De Silva表示︰「家父是單車選手,我們自小已騎單車, Babi更斯是 里蘭卡赫赫有名的單車­手,他是1984年斯里蘭­卡標準公路單車賽的。冠軍 」



Lankan flatlands it’s hard to imagine riding any serious distance on these hefty things. ‘Last week the race was about 80 kilometres; next week it’s 130 kilometres, and there will be more than 100 riders there,’ says De Silva.

Which is tough to imagine on any single speeder, let alone a 17-kilogram 50-year- old bike with a regulation set standard gear ratio, with average speeds of 35 kilometres per hour. Let’s get some context here: today’s top- end road bikes weigh less than seven kilos.

With standard bikes rod brakes and heavy roadster tyres are necessary, and part-rusted steel handlebars with added aerobars and lighter components are also the norm. Many still use original steel cranks, but some have switched to aluminium, and most now come with clipless pedals, alloy seatposts and ageing saddles. A few riders have managed to procure alloy rims, hubs and even front wheel quick-release hubs.

The chances of any of these riders ever making it to Europe to race are slender. Making money from sponsorshi­p is not much of an option. But these guys live to ride. They follow the Tour de France, scour glossy cycling magazines and skimp by with kit most of us would have thrown out a decade ago. On any given morning you’ll find these riders duelling it out with the rush hour traffic. Babi himself still rides between 60 and 80 kilometres a day on a standard bike – and still competes.

The next day I caught sight of three young riders who were just winding down from their daily training session. One was wearing the 2013 Sri Lankan National Champion jersey, and all three were lean-and-mean-looking.

Humbly, and with an air of confusion, we set off together: me hanging out of a tuk-tuk with a camera, and these


斯里蘭卡地勢平坦、天氣酷熱,騎著沉甸甸的單車進行­長途賽事是一件難以想­像的。事 De Silva說︰「上星期的賽程約80公­里,下星期則是130公里,屆時將有超過100位­選手參賽。」

騎沒變著 有 速功能的單車作賽已夠­匪夷所思,只遑論 有一組標準齒輪比均、平時速35公里、重17公斤的50歲老­單車,反觀今時今日的檔高 公路單車,重量卻不到七公斤。

一般標準單車的桿剎車 和笨重的公路

輪胎是基本裝備,生銹的手把加上低風阻­手把和較輕巧的零件,也是常見配備。斯里蘭卡仍有許多單車­使用原裝的鋼製曲柄,但也有人轉用較輕的鋁­合金,現時大部分出賽單車均­配備卡式斤板、合金坐墊桿和原裝座墊,亦有不少單車手有能力­添置合金輪圈、車軸甚快至 拆式前輪車軸。

這些車手幾乎沒有機會­前往歐洲參賽,亦難以依靠任何商業贊­助維生,卻依然對單車少動樂此­不疲。他們緊貼環法單車賽戰­的 況,四出搜羅最新的單車雜­誌,更為添置我們十年前已­棄的掉 裝備而節衣縮食。每天早上,這些單車好手都會在車­水馬龍的路上奮勇前進、一較高下。每Babi 天仍



我們小心翼翼地在同一­條路上行駛;忙間亂我, 把相機伸出篤篤車拍攝,三位單車手則在篤篤車­後奮力衝刺。

沒有裝備的單車手只能­在平騎,路 車因此他們都沿著岸邊­大道進發,穿他們 過城中交通繁忙的馬路,駛市的也 過 郊 風景,還有樹木和房子林立的­迂迴窄。巷


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