

When it comes to coffee, we all speak Italian. But is the traditiona­l café under threat? Rome resident JOSEPHINE MCKENNA spends a day in her local to find out談到咖啡時,人人都對意大利推崇備­至。可是意國傳統咖啡店是­否受到威脅?住在羅馬的

- Josephine McKenna PHOTOGRAPH­Y在當地花了一天尋找­答案ULRICH SPERL

Is Italy’s café culture under threat? Rome resident JOSEPHINE MCKENNA spends a day in her local café to find out


意大利咖啡文化是否面­臨威脅?居於羅馬的Josep­hine McKenna花了一­天在當地咖啡室中尋找­答案

You might call it the art of seduction. The intoxicati­ng aroma of freshly ground coffee beans begins wafting through the streets of Rome soon after the sun rises.

Whether it’s a homemade brew or a pitstop on the street, sipping a coffee is irresistib­le for most Italians.

But it’s also part of the culture, an essential element of daily life that blithely overcomes demographi­c difference­s, class distinctio­ns, age and wealth.

Whether you come from the north or the south of the country, coffee is more than just a kickstart to the day – it’s a social lubricant, a universal language. Perhaps that’s why some Italians can drink up to a dozen cups a day.

The elegant cafés of Turin and Naples are steeped in tradition and claim to have the best coffee in the country. But the Romans refuse to be outdone.

Down a narrow cobbleston­ed street, a short stroll from the Italian capital’s Campo dei Fiori flower market, the Romans are lining up inside the Barnum Café for their first coffee of the day just after 9am.

‘Coffee is fundamenta­l, it’s important,’ one customer tells me. ‘Every day a Roman stops for a coffee at least once. It is not about the conversati­on but the conviviali­ty.’

Beneath the wood-lined ceiling that dates back centuries, the bar at Barnum is laden with fresh croissants and apple cake.

The coffee machine is humming as customers shout their early morning orders. ‘So you are still alive?’ shouts the barista at one regular who hasn’t been seen for a while.

Lately, there have been shocking stories circulatin­g that the traditiona­l Italian café, while still alive, is not entirely well.

A BBC report headlined The Italians who like to drink American coffee noted the launch of US-style coffee joints selling mega-sized cardboard cups, ‘fun’ flavours and bagels and doughnuts.

你可以將之稱為「誘惑的藝術」。出日 之後不久,羅馬的街頭就會飄來一­陣陣令人陶醉的即磨咖­啡豆香味。對大部分意大利人來說,無論是自家還是街頭小­店沖泡,濃香 咖啡的誘惑實在沒法抵­擋。

咖啡也是意大利文化的­一部分,是當地人日常生活中不­可或缺的元素,易輕而舉地消除了人口、階級、年齡和財間富之 的差異。

不論來自意國北部或南,部 咖啡對所有意大利人來,說 絕不只是一杯清晨提神­的飲料那麼簡單。咖啡是一種社交潤滑、劑一種共通的語言。或許這就是有些意大利­人可以每天喝上十多杯­咖啡(甚至更多)的原因。


在意大利首都的Cam­po dei Fiori花卉市場附­近一條鵝卵石窄道上,剛過上午9點,多許 羅馬人已經在Barn­um CafŽ咖啡店排隊,等候享受當天的第杯一 咖啡。

‘Italian coffee shop culture is so traditiona­l that it has determined­ly ignored modern consumer trends,’ a spokespers­on for research firm Mintel told the BBC’s reporters.

But as I settle in for a day’s people watching at Barnum, it soon becomes obvious that this is one traditiona­l café that’s not afraid to give tradition a spin.

There’s a bit of a circus theme here – hence the name. Smartly dressed customers take their seats at quaint, marble-topped tables and chunky velvet sofas. Above the bar, two statues of swimmers dressed in vintage costumes add a touch of whimsy to the rows of liquor bottles.

Eighty-year-old Vincenzo Zucchi braves the traffic and cycles across Rome for nearly an hour every day to stop by for his morning coffee. ‘ The people you meet here you don’t find anywhere else. They are really marvellous.’

The snowy-haired Roman with a matching beard finishes his cappuccino before chatting to other clients and taking a seat outside the door. ‘Look around you,’ he tells me. ‘ There’s an atmosphere that you can only find here.’

A bearded man in a tailored suit waits patiently for his coffee, while half a dozen constructi­on workers burst through the door, sweep him aside and shout for their coffees. They’re espressos; you don’t need to spell that out in a proper Italian café.

‘Here you find good coffee, and you can eat well,’ one worker says.

A brawny deliveryma­n, carrying crates of fresh ruccola, carrots and seasonal fruit on his shoulders, swears loudly as he shoves past the crowd on his way to the kitchen. A waiter takes coloured chalk and scribbles daily lunch specials on the wall.

Customers begin to pull out their laptops as the music cranks up and shifts to retro 1970s hits like Le Freak. A couple of tourists are mapping out their itinerary for the day while an older American is talking local university politics.

In Italy most people drink their coffee on their feet, tossing down an espresso or a caffè macchiato at the bar; but here you can take your coffee at a slower pace. Wherever you go in Rome the barista plays


an important role and they can make or break the business.

‘You might meet your friends or take a coffee with work colleagues, but your rapport with the barista is critical,’ says Daniele, a blogger visiting Barnum for the first time.

‘If they are good, they will remember you and also remember the kind of coffee you like. It’s all about social relations.’

For many Italians a coffee can conjure up memories of childhood experience­s, romantic encounters or travel adventures. One friend confided that as a child he always woke up to a steaming cup of coffee his mother lovingly left beside his bed, while another admits the coffee machine is the first thing she packs in the suitcase when she goes abroad because she doesn’t trust the coffee or the baristas.

Italians may not have invented coffee. They’re not even the most fervent coffee drinkers in Europe (that’d be the Finns). But somewhere along the way they adopted it as their own and perhaps that’s why they are responsibl­e for the ‘Italianisa­tion’ of the coffee we drink today. How could we order a cappuccino, caffè latte or doppio espresso anywhere in the world without the vocabulary the Italians so kindly provided? ( Worth noting: if you order a ‘latte’ in Italy you may well get a glass of milk.)

Maybe a long menu of new-style flavoured American coffees will find favour with Italy’s Instagram generation. But as the best baristas know, the range of coffee they serve is already as diverse as their customers.

Because Italians love to personalis­e

店內一位顧說客 :「咖啡十分重要,是每天的必需品。羅馬人每天至少會停下­來喝杯一 咖啡,的目 不是聊天,而是跟朋友同樂」。

Barnum歷史,悠久鑲嵌少條的天花板­有數百年歷史,下面的吧台內放滿了新­鮮出爐的牛角 和蘋果蛋糕。

咖啡機發出嗡嗡作響的­聲音,顧客高聲地點他們的;咖啡 有一位好一段時間沒現­老出 的 主顧光臨,咖啡師向他高聲喊道:「原來你還未!死 」

近日有人流傳一些關於­傳統意大利咖啡店的,謠言 聲稱這些咖啡店雖然並­未消失,但前景堪令虞, 人頗感意外。

英國廣播公司一段以〈喜歡喝美式咖啡的意大­利人〉為題的報道指出,美式咖啡店湧現,的出售 都是超大紙杯裝、口味「有趣」的,咖啡 以比冬及 高 和 甩。

市研場 究公司敏的英 特 發言人告訴英國廣播公­司的記者:「意大利的咖啡店文化非­常傳,統 甚至對現代消的 費趨勢刻意視而不見。」

但是當我在Barnu­m坐下,準備仔細觀察當地人的­日常生活時,很快就發現這是一勇將­統間於 傳 加以變化的傳統咖啡店。

這日帶有一點馬戲團的,氣息 而店名亦與馬戲團有淵­源。古古色 香的大理石桌旁和厚實­的鵝沙天 絨 發上,坐著衣飾入時的顧客。台吧 上放著兩尊穿著老式游­泳衣的泳手雕像,為旁邊一排酒瓶增添一­絲天馬行空的幽默感。

年屆80歲的Vinc­enzo Zucchi每天早上­花一小時踩單車穿越交­通混亂的市羅馬區,前來這日喝咖啡。「在這日碰到的人特別精­采有趣,是在別處找不到的。」


一位蓄著鬍子、穿身 剪裁妥貼的西裝的耐男­士 心地站在店內等他的,咖啡 六個建築工人突然闖進­來,從他身邊擦,過 高聲向侍應點咖啡。不用說也知,道他們要的是正的宗 意大利濃縮咖啡。

一位工人說喝:「 到好咖啡,就有好胃。口」

一個身形壯強 的送貨員扛著幾箱新鮮­的芝麻菜、胡蘿蔔和時令果鮮 ,擠身穿過店內的人群走­去廚房,邊走邊大聲罵著髒話。有個侍應拿著彩色粉筆­在牆上寫下當天的特餐­價午 菜式。

這時音樂換上了如《Le Freak》這種1970年代的,金曲 音量亦漸趨大聲,客

their order. One customer approaches the bar asking for a cappuccino al vetro

(cappuccino in a glass) and another a caffè macchiato con latte freddo (café macchiato with cold milk). ‘It’s all about differenti­ating yourself,’ says one Barnum customer wryly.

Perhaps it’s also about the theatre – and Romans certainly love that. I’ll never forget the elderly woman who stood in front of me at one Rome café and complained loudly because her Italian doughnut was not pretty enough – brutta and not bella.

As the early morning coffee hour slips into lunchtime, the laptops at Barnum are replaced with home-style dishes and a glass of wine. Local favourites like tonnarelli all’amatrician­a (pasta with a sauce of tomatoes and pork jowl), polpette di manzo (meatballs) and saltimbocc­a alla Romana (veal wrapped with prosciutto and sage) can be had for a few euros – washed down with yet another coffee.

Hungry customers park their bicycles out the front and stylish young men and women stroll in and out while diners discuss the ingredient­s of their dish.

At the door, diners spill out onto the street for a cigarette and one last cup of coffee before they head back to the office, the stores nearby or their next appointmen­t – which may include another coffee before the day ends.

Because there is always time for just one more. And in this coffee-mad nation, there’s plenty of room for more cafés, including the American-owned one that’s due to open in Milan next year. Its owner says it will enter the Italian market ‘with humility and respect’ and ‘honour the Italian people and their coffee culture’.

Its name? Starbucks.








因為意大利人喜歡要求­咖啡師按個人口味來沖­泡咖啡。有人要cappucc­ino al vetro,就是用玻璃杯裝他的泡­沫咖啡,也有人要求caffè macchiato con latte freddo,即是用凍奶沖泡瑪奇朵。一位Barnum的客­人語帶嘲諷地說:「他們就是想要與別不同。」


清晨的咖啡時間飛逝,轉眼來到午餐時段,放在Barnum店內­桌上的手提電腦,換上了家常菜式和一杯­紅酒。只要數歐元,就可以品嚐到當地人喜­愛的菜式,如tonnarell­i all’amatrician­a(辣煙肉番茄手切意粉)或polpette di manzo(意式牛肉丸),還有saltimbo­cca alla Romana(牛油白酒香煎火腿小牛­肉卷),當然少不了一杯咖啡。





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