

The Hollywood hills are alive with the sounds of music-based movies


荷李活電中影 響徹雲霄的樂聲

It’s been one of those periods in film and TV where the music has been anything but the stuff in the background. Music is the moving spirit in some of the most talked-about movies of the year – including La La Land and its jazzobsess­ed director’s reinventio­n of the musical, as well as Edgar Wright’s thrillingl­y original caper Baby Driver (1), which you can still catch onboard this month.

Next up is indie dramedy Band Aid (2), which made noise at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. In a last-ditch attempt to save their marriage, a young couple who can’t stop fighting decide to turn their arguments into songs as a form of musical therapy. Cue angsty rock songs about dishes not being washed.

We go from kitchen and garage to the biggest stages of all. Filmmakers choosing to profile a music legend either go for the high-production biopic ( Ray, Walk the Line) or the grittier rise, fall and tragic decline documentar­y. British director Nick Broomfield’s Whitney: Can I Be Me (3), like recent docs about Nina Simone and Amy Winehouse, is firmly in the latter camp.

The choice of Broomfield, a highly influentia­l and idiosyncra­tic filmmaker, to take on superstar Whitney Houston might not seem obvious until you look at his back catalogue. His Kurt and Courtney exposed another unsettling story of fame, drugs and tragedy in a very different musical field. He also profiled murdered rappers Notorious BIG and Tupac Shakur. (Note to hip-hop fans: Straight Outta Compton (4), the origin story of controvers­ial ’80s hip-hop group NWA, is also onboard this month.)

For something altogether sweeter, tune into Golden Orchestra!. This Japanese comedy about a young woman with a passion for classical music who moves to a new town and mistakenly joins an orchestra of octogenari­ans, is lightheart­ed fun and full of unexpected laughs.

You can also watch live music onboard with coverage of BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend, featuring performanc­es from Lana Del Ray, Katy Perry (5) and Royal Blood. And the most feted British female singer since Dusty Springfiel­d comes back to London in Adele: Homecoming. Chinese pop fans should tune into the latest season of Singer and talent competitio­n Sing! China (6).

For your ears only, check out our expanded musical offering in the audio selection. We’ve combed the charts as well as the back catalogues for classic albums (go on, have another spin of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours) and the latest rock, pop, jazz, Cantopop and K-pop.

在無論是電影還是視電 節目內,音樂都大行其道,而是非只 陪襯的景背。

我們立即想,起的 當然就是星《 聲夢裡人》,熱愛爵士樂的導演別以 出心裁的方式為歌舞片­帶來新面貌,還有 Edgar Wright 將動作片及歌舞片合二­為一的原創作品《寶貝神車手》(1) ,月而你本 仍可在航班上收看該電­影。在這些年度的話題之作­中,音樂都是故事的靈魂。

另一個例子是獨立製作­的處境喜劇《箍煲 BAND 友》(2),較早前在辛丹斯電影節­中引來熱話。本片講述一對終日不斷­吵架的年輕,夫妻 為了挽救婚姻作出最後­努

力,他們索性組成樂隊,把夫婦間的爭端化成歌­曲唱出來,當作種一 音樂治療。由家中無人肯洗碗所啟­發的憤怒搖滾勁歌你,聽過沒?有

音樂電影這個類型變化­多端,由廚房到車房到最宏大­的舞台,無所不包。當電影製作人構思一個­傳音奇 樂人的故事時,大多會選擇製作龐大的­傳記電影(例如《Ray》、《弦途有你》《、 Lady Sings the Blues》等 ) ,述或是 說星海浮沉的寫實紀錄 片。英國演導 Nick Broomfield 的《Whitney: 身不由己》(3),就像最近關於Nina Simone 和 Amy Winehouse 的 紀錄片那,樣無疑是屬於者後 。

Broomfield 是極具影響力和特立獨­行的電影製作人,選擇拍攝一部關於樂壇­歌后 Whitney Houston 的紀,錄片 原因可能並非一眼就看。得出 不過如果你看看他過往­的作自品, 然就會明白。他的前作《Kurt and Courtney》,揭露在另一個音領樂 域裡關於成名、毒與品悲劇的故事,他亦曾拍攝謀被 殺的饒舌歌手 Notorious BIG 和Tupac Shakur的紀錄片(。嘻哈絲粉 注意:描述1980 年代話題樂隊NWA方­源的音樂傳記電影《衝出康普頓》(4) 亦於本月在航班上映。)

想看動人小品的話,不妨選擇《黃金愛樂樂團》,這部日本喜劇述講 一個熱愛古典音樂的年­輕女子移居到新市鎮,誤誤打 撞加入了一個耆英交響­樂團,團員全是老七 八十的老人家。輕故事 鬆幽默,充滿令人意想不到的笑­料。

除了音樂電影,你也可在機上欣賞現場­轉播的音。看樂 收 BBC Radio 1的《Big Weekend》演唱會,欣賞 Lana Del Ray、Katy Perry (5) 和 Royal Blood 的精演采表 。此外還有繼 Dusty Springfiel­d 後最受歡迎的英國歌女­手 Adele 紀 錄片《Adele: Homecoming》,看她談樂生暢 音 與 活至。於中文流行曲粉絲,不妨細味最新一季的《歌手》,以及歌唱比賽《中國新歌聲》( 6)。

我們特別為你的耳朵著­想,網羅多更不同類型的音­樂供你欣賞,不管是流行榜的歌曲,還是經典專輯(想再多聽一次Flee­twood Mac 的《Rumours》嗎?那就不要客氣了) ,更有最新的搖滾、流行、爵士、粵語流行曲和韓國流行­音,樂 定能令你樂在其中。

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