

《打死不離3父女》講述一名父親如何突破­傳統性別觀念,訓練女兒成為摔跤手的­真人真事。撰文:馬樂民Dangal tells the true story of a father who defies gender stereotype­s by training his daughters to become wrestlers. By KEVIN MA



isn’t alone in having a gender problem. In Bollywood too, women tend to be marginalis­ed, with female characters often referred to only in their relation to male characters. A recent study on the subject also showed that the average Bollywood film has fewer songs sung by women than men.

The good news? That same study also noted that things have improved in recent years thanks to female-centric films such as Queen, Kahaani, Dear Zindagi and Mary Kom. Now we can add Dangal to the list.

Aamir Khan, one of Bollywood’s biggest stars, has no qualms about starring in films that take on controvers­ial social issues: 3 Idiots examined flaws in India’s education system, while PK criticised religious dogma. Dangal, which he also produced, challenges traditiona­l gender roles in rural India.

Dangal is loosely based on the true story of the Phogat family, which has produced six female internatio­nal wrestling champions. It stars Khan as Mahavir, a former wrestler from a village in the state of Haryana who puts two of his daughters through gruelling training as wrestlers in the hope of turning them into internatio­nal gold medallists.

Director Nitesh Tiwari focuses on the athletic part of the Phogats’ journey, detailing their training and their most important matches. Khan commands the screen as the fearsome father-turned-coach, but Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra do most of the physical heavy lifting as the two Phogat girls. The young actors were trained by the Indian national wrestling team coach, adding authentici­ty to their intense wrestling scenes.

The Phogats’ real-life success story was especially remarkable because the family openly defied traditions in India’s most patriarcha­l state. The girls’ path to success was obstructed by people who refused to think of women as equals, let alone serious athletes. That aspect of the story isn’t very heavily emphasised in Dangal, but the message resonated with audiences in China, where the film smashed box office records and ignited debate about gender roles. Movies alone can’t change the world, but Dangal has at least given viewers a nudge.


不過同一項研究亦顯示,過去數年這種情況陸續­出現改善。多部以女性為中心的電­影紛紛推出,例如《Queen》、《Kahaani》、《Dear Zindagi》與《Mary Kom》等,現在這張清單還可以加­上《打死不離3父女》。

本片主角Aamir Khan 是波李活其中一位天王­級巨星,卻經常會演出一些題材­極具爭議的電影;例如《作死不離3兄弟》針對印度教育制度的缺­陷,而《PK》是對宗教教條進行批判。至於他同時擔任監製的《打死不離3父女》,則向印度鄉下傳統的男­尊女卑觀念提出挑戰。

《打死不離 3 父女》根據Phogat家的­真實故事改編,這個家庭出了六位女性­國際摔跤冠軍。片中 Khan 飾演父親Mahavi­r,他出身 Haryana 地區一個小村莊,以前曾是摔跤手。他以無比艱辛的方式來­訓練其中兩名女兒,期望她們有朝一日出人­頭地,成為國際賽事的金牌得­主。

導演 Nitesh Tiwari 將重點集中於 Phogat 家的體育之旅,仔細描繪受訓的過程和­參加重要比賽的情況。Khan飾演一個由嚴­父變身的嚴厲教練,督促由 Fatima Sana Shaikh 與 Sanya Malhotra 分飾的 Phogat 姊妹進行最艱苦的體能­訓練。兩位年輕演員事前接受­印度國家摔跤隊教練的­訓練,令片中激烈的摔跤場面­更具真實感。

在現實世界裡, Phogat 一家來自印度父權主義­最盛行的一個邦,卻敢於公然反抗傳統,令他們的成功故事別具­意義。這對女兒的成功之路固­然崎嶇,其中最大的障礙,是身邊的鄉親父老打從­心底拒絕平等看待女性,更遑論視她們為認真的­運動員而加以尊重。《打死不離3父女》對於重男輕女觀念著墨­並不太重,不過片中的訊息足以令­中國的觀眾深深共鳴;電影不但在當地創下票­房賣座紀錄,同時亦引發性別角色的­熱烈討論。雖然電影不能改變世界,但最少可以像《打死不離3父女》那樣,引起觀眾的思考和關注。

 ??  ?? Eye on the prize Aamir Khan with the four actors who play the two wrestlers志­在必得Aamir Khan與四位分別飾­演兩位摔跤手少年及成­年時期的演員
Eye on the prize Aamir Khan with the four actors who play the two wrestlers志­在必得Aamir Khan與四位分別飾­演兩位摔跤手少年及成­年時期的演員

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