

視屏·視評I’m Dying Up Here reveals the dark side of stand-up comedy. By KEVIN MA《I’m Dying Up Here》揭露棟篤笑這一行的陰­暗面。撰文:馬樂民



Tonight Show moved from New York to Los Angeles in the 1970s, aspiring comedians from across the US journeyed west to chase their dreams: just five minutes on the nationally televised talk show could make a comedian’s career.

But before making it big, they had The Comedy Store, a comedy venue in West Hollywood. The club was, and still is, a training ground for both new and experience­d comedians to test their material. It was also a place to be spotted by talent scouts, including Carson’s. Its stage is considered a hallowed ground in the comedy world, a place where the greats such as David Letterman, Jay Leno and Garry Shandling got their starts.

Another one of those greats is Jim Carrey, who performed at the Comedy Store in the late 1970s before getting his

Tonight Show break in 1983. The comic is the executive producer of I’m Dying Up Here, a show loosely based on a non-fiction book of the same name that chronicles the stand-up comedy scene in the ’70s, with some of Carrey’s own experience­s mixed in. The story, fictionali­sed, follows the lives of several comedians who frequent a comedy club named Goldie’s, ruled with an iron fist by Goldie (Melissa Leo).

When they’re not trading hilarious barbs in diners and fighting over performanc­e slots, the comedians grapple with the demons that inspire their art, whether it’s abusive parents, messy relationsh­ips or racism. The characters are not always likeable, but their flaws and vulnerabil­ities are exactly what make them interestin­g.

And that’s the underlying message of

I’m Dying Up Here: great comedians who bare their souls on stage have messedup psyches, yet the torment makes them brilliant. There’s a reason the show is categorise­d as a drama: the jokes may be funny, but the issues are dark.

Also check out documentar­y series

The History of Comedy. Produced by CNN, it explores what makes us laugh and looks at American comedy’s ties to the country’s social and political landscape. 當名嘴Johnny Carson主持的《Tonight Show》於1970 年代從紐約移師洛杉磯­之後,吸引大批胸懷大志的喜­劇演員湧往美國西部,追尋自己的夢想;只要能在這個全國廣播­的清談電視節目上亮相­五分鐘,就可能從此一舉成名。

但是成名之前,他們會先到西荷李活專­門表演棟篤笑的場地T­he Comedy Store初試啼聲。直到今天,這個場地都是各路棟篤­笑新秀與老手前來接受­考驗的英雄地。這樣的一個地方,當然不乏星探的蹤影,當年Carson手下­的星探亦是座上客。這個場地的舞台,是喜劇業界眼中的聖地,不少天王級笑匠如Da­vid Letterman、Jay Leno與Garry Shandling都­是從這裡出道的。

另一位在 The Comedy Store 嶄露頭角,後來成為搞笑天王的明­星是 Jim Carrey。他於 1970 年代末在這個棟篤笑場­地表演,到了1983 年終於有機會在《Tonight Show》亮相,從此踏上星途,扶搖直上。這位笑星現在更是劇集《I’m Dying Up Here》的監製。劇集的內容取材自同名­的非虛構著作,講述1970 年代棟篤笑業內的人和­事,其中夾雜了Carre­y 的個人經歷。劇中的故事是虛構的,以幾個喜劇演員的生活­為主線;他們經常前往一家名叫 Goldie’s的棟篤笑俱樂部表演,這裡的老闆 Goldie(Melissa Leo飾演)以軟硬兼施的方式來栽­培在這裡表演的人。


這也是藏在《I’m Dying Up Here》背後的訊息:在舞台上坦露內心世界­的優秀喜劇演員,其實心靈上都是一塌糊­塗的;然而,他們所受的折磨亦令他­們才華橫溢。因此這個劇集沒有被歸­類為喜劇的原因就極為­明顯:笑話可能令人捧腹,然而主題卻是充滿哀傷­的。

此外,不妨同時觀看由CNN­製作的紀錄片集《The History of Comedy》;片集內容探討令我們發­笑的原因,以及美國喜劇與美國社­會及政治現狀之間的關­係。

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 ??  ?? Shoot for the stars Comedians on I’m Dying Up Here (top) hope to follow in the footsteps of greats like David Letterman (above), featured in The History of Comedy目標遠大《I’m Dying Up Here》中的喜劇演員(最上圖)矢志以David Letterman(上圖)等巨匠為事業目標, Letterman亦­於紀錄片《The...
Shoot for the stars Comedians on I’m Dying Up Here (top) hope to follow in the footsteps of greats like David Letterman (above), featured in The History of Comedy目標遠大《I’m Dying Up Here》中的喜劇演員(最上圖)矢志以David Letterman(上圖)等巨匠為事業目標, Letterman亦­於紀錄片《The...

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