

JANE DUNFORD picks out the best cultural celebratio­ns, anniversar­ies and destinatio­ns in northern Europe this year Jane Dunford精選本­年北歐最精采的文化慶­典、周年紀念及必遊景點

- Jane Dunford向我們­詳述2018年的大熱­旅遊焦點

Southern Europe’s virtues have long been extolled, with dreamy Mediterran­ean islands, pictureper­fect Tuscany and the glitz of the Cote d’Azur overshadow­ing the less sundrenche­d north in many travellers’ minds.

But now the spotlight has turned to Europe’s cooler edges, with everywhere from Scandinavi­a to the Baltic states to the British Isles enjoying a surge in interest.

Leading the trend is Iceland, where tourist numbers swelled extraordin­arily (up 56 per cent year-on-year in the first four months of 2017) thanks to new flights and innovative accommodat­ion, while Finland and Estonia also saw double-figure growth in the same period.

The Nordic cuisine revolution, fronted by Danish chef René Redzepi, has created culinary ripples across the region, but the chance to see the Northern Lights (according to Chinese travel agent Ctrip, the numbers of Chinese tourists travelling to see them increased 400 per cent in 2017) or the midnight sun, the wild, unspoilt landscapes and exceptiona­l new hotels like Finland’s Arctic Treehouse Hotel are other major draws. Demand from Asian travellers, particular­ly over the Lunar New Year, is soaring.

‘We’re seeing a big growth in demand for Scandinavi­a particular­ly; it’s up around 30 per cent,’ says Andrea Godfrey, managing director at UK tour operator Regent Holidays. ‘People want that winter wonderland experience and there are some amazing accommodat­ion options, from treehouses to glass igloos.’

There are more reasons for northern Europe to be on your travel wishlist for 2018. The Baltic states – which offer a winning mix of medieval cities, untamed nature and affordable hotels, while still being relatively off the beaten track – will be celebratin­g 100 years since declaring independen­ce.

The UK now offers great value for money for internatio­nal travellers and there are exciting cultural events happening in many northern European cities. Plus, this airline launches three new routes from Hong Kong this year – Brussels in March, Copenhagen in May and Dublin in June.

南歐之美早已贏得無數­讚譽,如夢似幻的地中海島嶼、風光如畫的托斯卡納和­波光粼粼的蔚藍海岸,在許多旅客心目中,這些地方比陰鬱寒冷的­北歐吸得引 多。

不過,人們的目光正逐漸轉向­寒冷的歐洲北疆,從斯堪的納維亞半島到­波羅的海諸國至顛,以 不列 群島,北歐國度盡皆成為客旅­的寵新。

引領這股潮流是的 冰島,新由於 航線 開通,加上各式新穎的住宿體­驗,令遊客數字急劇。上升 單在2017年首四個­月,旅客人數已較去年同期­飆升五成六。同期前往芬和蘭 愛沙尼亞的旅客人數,亦錄得雙位數字的增。幅

自丹麥名廚René Redzepi帶頭改­革北歐料理之後,一股美食熱潮席捲區內;但北歐的吸引力豈止於­此:觀賞北極光(根據中國的攜程旅遊服­務公司統計,前往觀賞北極光的中國­客旅 於2017年增加了四­倍)或午夜太陽、望際一 無 的荒野、未遭破壞的自然美,景 以及芬蘭的北極樹屋酒­店特等色新酒店等,都是北歐的主要賣點。愈來愈多亞洲客旅 造訪北歐,新農曆 年期間是更 需求甚殷。

英國行旅社Regen­t Holidays的董­事總經理Andrea Godfrey表示:「斯堪的納維亞的旅遊需­求增幅尤其驚,人 高達三成左右。人們希望體驗冬日仙境,加上一些新穎別緻的住­宿選擇,例如樹屋玻和 璃冰屋是,亦 一大賣點。」

其實還有更多原因,令北歐成為2018年­必到的旅遊目的地。例如波羅的海諸國結合­中世紀、古城 原始的大自然和房價相­宜的酒等店 優勢,加上造訪當地的遊客相­對較少,吸引力無與倫比。加上今年是當地獨立1­00周年紀,念 最宜到此一遊。

此外,海外旅客現在前往英,國說可是有物 所值;而許多北歐城市亦會舉­行各種令人期待的文化­活動。,另外 國泰航空亦在今年開通­三條由香港出發的新,航線括3月的布魯塞爾航線、月5 的哥本哈根航線及6月­的都柏林航線。

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