

Turning the city into our gym for the new year在新的一年將­全香港變成你的健身室

- The Trip(1) 5) ( 6), (4


of the extra kilograms of wine weight, when everything feels a bit flabby and corpulent. And we’re not just talking about our waistline…

Which is why we’re using Hong Kong as our health, fitness and wellbeing playground this month. Here’s what we’re putting on our fit list.

For gym-goers: Try The Trip (1) at Pure Fitness in Central’s California Tower. It’s possibly the most enjoyable spinning class we’ve ever had, partly because we were so engrossed in peddling through the virtual obstacle courses on the 270- degree wraparound screen we didn’t even notice we were sweating.

For adventure-hunters: Climb, dangle and do lots of other exciting verbs at

Verm City (2), an indoor rock climbing gym in Quarry Bay. For those of you/us that work in Taikoo Place it’s an easy lunchtime clamber. (Seeing as you’re in the area: Ryze, the trampoline park, is in the same building. Come and bounce off the Christmas overindulg­ence.)

For spa-lovers: The Grand Hyatt in Wan Chai has partnered with French sound engineer Devialet to roll out an intriguing sound-based spa treatment in its Plateau Spa. Set to the gentle sounds of rural Hong Kong (like the wind over Dragon’s Back and the waves on Lantau Island) dripped through sexy bronze and white Devialet speakers, the Voyage des Sens (3)

massage is both immersive and incredibly relaxing. Plus, there’s a pot of tea waiting for you at the end, which could be the first time you enjoy a traditiona­l Hong Kong teahouse experience in a dressing gown.

For cheapskate­s wanting to trim the fat: There’s always the world- class hiking in Hong Kong’s abundant rural parkland. This month we’re going as far north as we can go in Plover Cove Country Park (4 & 5) and Pat Sin Leng Country Park. In town, there are free bi-monthly yoga sessions run by HK Outdoor Yoga in Admiralty’s Tamar Park – just turn up with your mat and smile for the group photo. Plus, every Wednesday evening there are free group harbour runs in different locations – find details on the Hong Kong Harbour Runners Facebook group.

Unfortunat­ely (or should that be fortunatel­y?) it’s too late to sign up for the

Hong Kong Marathon (6)

(21 January), but even idly watching the 70,000 runners makes us feel motivated to kickstart that languishin­g health and fitness resolution…



熱愛健身:可往中環加州大廈的P­ure Fitness健身中­心,體驗一節 單車運動。這可能是我們最愉快的­單車操練,因為我們大部分時間全­神貫注緊盯著眼前的2­70度環迴屏幕,穿越滿佈虛擬障礙的單­車徑,根本沒有注意到 我們已經汗流浹背。

喜歡尋找刺激:位於鰂魚涌的室內攀石­健身中心Verm City(2)可供你盡情攀爬、懸吊和做其他刺激動作。若你跟我們同是在太古­坊出沒的上班族,大可在午飯時間輕鬆享­受攀石。彈床運動中心Ryze­與Verm City位於同一棟大­廈裡,可以幫大家將聖誕期間­暴飲暴食的後遺症「彈」走,亦是一個做運動的好去­處。

享受水療:灣仔君悅酒店的靜水沁­園水療中心與法國音響­科技品牌Devial­et合作,推出以聲音為基礎的獨­特水療療程Voyag­e des Sens (3)。客人在享受按摩時,設計新穎的黃銅與白色­Devialet揚聲­器會播放香港郊區柔和­的聲音,例如龍脊的風聲和大嶼­山岸邊的海浪聲,身心完全放鬆。療程完成後,水療中心更會奉上一壺­熱茶,讓客人可以身穿浴袍來­體驗傳統港式飲茶的風­味。

以廉宜方式消脂:香港的郊野公園面積寬­廣,是世界級遠足勝地。本月我們盡情向北走,遠闖船灣郊野公園 及和八仙嶺郊野公園;市區方面, HK Outdoor Yoga於金鐘添馬公­園舉辦兩個月一次的免­費伽班,只需自備伽墊即可參與,上完課還可拍攝團體照­留念。此外,每逢星期三晚上均有團­體於不同地點舉辦海傍­跑步活動,費用全免,詳情可瀏覽Hong Kong Harbour Runners在Fa­cebook的專頁。

不知是幸運抑或不幸,若要參加1月21日舉­行的香港馬拉松 現在為時已晚,不過,只要看到70,000名跑手的健壯英­姿,已足以激勵我們下定決­心,展開新一年的健身大計……

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