

- 1) Darbandsar Ski Resort 3)


fastest developing winter sports market and ambitious developers are opening up a slew of new resorts.

Rusutsu Ski Resort, Hokkaido, Japan (1) Rusutsu has some of the Japan’s most favourable skiing. Its tree runs in particular are known for their splendour. Elsewhere at the resort, you can enjoy horseback riding on the silver birch trails or dog sledding.

Jisan Forest Resort,

Icheon, South Korea (2)

A visit to Seoul can be enhanced with a trip to Jisan Forest Resort, just 40 minutes away from the capital. Here, revellers can enjoy night skiing (until 12 February) until 4am with DJs keeping the slopes hot through the night. While the skiing may be aimed more at families given the uniformity of its 10 slopes, the resort is also noted for its half pipe and hosts snowboardi­ng competitio­ns.

267, Jisan-ro, Icheon

Darbandsar Ski Resort, Tehran, Iran (3) Few would consider Tehran among potential places to enjoy winter sports, but in the Alborz Mountain region lies the Darbandsar ski resort, which at more than 3,000 metres above sea level is among the most elevated places in the country. The modern resort offers Western-style facilities (although no alcohol), stunning scenery and some of the strangest and most inventive ski outfits you’ll see anywhere. Aside from skiing, ice climbing is the main attraction – the local training school is a big hit with tourists.

Yabuli Ski Resort, Heilongjia­ng, China (4)

The Harbin Internatio­nal Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is a permanent fixture on the cultural calendar in northern China. But winter sports are on the agenda, too. The Yabuli Ski Resort is one of China’s biggest and regularly hosts profession­al alpine ski competitio­ns at this world class resort.


日本北海道留壽都度假­村(留壽都擁有多條日本首­屈一指的滑雪路線,其中樹林雪道更以秀麗­風光著稱。旅客更可在銀樺夾道的­小徑上騎馬,或乘坐狗拉 的雪橇暢遊一番。



度假村(說到享受冬季運動,絕少人會想起德黑蘭這­個城市,但雄踞厄爾布爾士山區­上海拔逾3,000米的Darba­ndsar Ski Resort滑雪度假­村,是伊朗全國地勢最高的­地點之一。這家現代度假村備有西­式設施(可惜不供應酒精類飲品),四周風光壯麗,更有設計最奇特新穎、令人眼界大開的滑雪服­裝可供租用。攀冰是這裡的主要招徠,而當地的訓練學校更極­受遊客歡迎。

滑雪 中國黑龍江亞布力滑雪­場(中國哈爾濱國際冰雪節­是華北的年度文化活動,而冬季運動也是不可或­缺的節目。亞布力滑雪場是中國最­大型的世界級度假村之­一,村內定期舉辦專業高山­滑雪比賽。

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