

ADAM WHITE crawls around Tokyo’s evolving breed of yakushu bars, which blend traditiona­l medicine and cocktails Adam White前往東京目­前大受歡迎的藥酒酒吧,細嚐以中藥調製的雞尾­酒

- PHOTOGRAPH­Y Adam White A N D R E W FA U L K 21

身體不適?宿醉?疲勞?無論你有什麼毛病,總有一種藥酒可以幫助­你。在東京,傳統的日藥本 酒與 世紀的雞尾酒文化合混 出一種新風味。 品嚐過其中兩三種

I’ve been lost for a good 20 minutes in a residentia­l corner of Tokyo before I finally find Yakushu Bar Sangenjaya. Bartender Nanako Hanamura is impressed that I’ve managed to track down her bar at all.

‘How the hell did you find us?’ she asks. The place is tiny, no more than a few seats at a counter – more like the microbars of Shinjuku’s Golden Gai. It’s the kind of place the owner set up so they could drink with their friends without having to leave the house. Countless glass jars line the shelves – each with a handwritte­n label in Japanese, each half-full of a different mysterious ingredient, steeped in clear liquid.

I need a drink. But not just any drink. It’s for my health, you see. I’m here to be cured. I’m here for these jars of yakushu.

Yakushu means ‘medicinal liqueur’. They’re preparatio­ns of medicinal herbs, flowers or more outlandish ingredient­s, steeped in alcohol – most commonly shochu, the Japanese distilled liquor. The ingredient flavours the alcohol, and the booze unlocks its benefits. Supposedly.

This isn’t a new thing: medicinal liqueurs have been in use as long as mankind has had alcohol and medicine, and Yakushu Bar Sangenjaya has been serving these tinctures for 12 years.

But yakushu has become increasing­ly popular in the Japanese capital of late. A health- conscious Tokyo is looking to the past for inspiratio­n, and it’s turning yakushu from boring old nightcap into trendy new concoction.

The approach appeals to me. I struggle with traditiona­l Chinese medicine because it’s usually served as a hot, bitter soup – but if you could infuse all that herbal goodness into a shot of booze, then what’s not to like?

我在東京某個住宅區內­迷了路,兜兜轉轉走了20分鐘,找終於 到三軒茶屋藥酒Bar­酒吧。酒保花村奈奈子見我可­竟然 以找到她的酒吧,表示大為佩服。

她問:「你究竟是怎樣找到這裡­來的?」這個酒吧地方狹小,吧檯旁只放得下幾個座­位,跟新宿黃金街那些微型­酒吧差不多。這種酒吧大多是老闆用­來與三五知己小酌,但又不必離家到別處去。的酒吧 架子上擺了無數的玻璃­瓶,每一個都附有手寫的日­文標籤,裡面裝著半瓶澈清 的液體,液體裡泡著各種我不日­識的材料。

我需要有杯酒下肚,但不是隨便什麼酒都可­我以,要一杯有益健康的。酒 我前來這裡是想治癒我­的毛病,我是為了這一瓶瓶的藥­酒而來的。

藥酒顧名思義,就是用材泡藥 浸 而成的。酒 浸製藥酒的法方 是將藥材、花朵以至其他古靈精怪­的材料用酒浸泡,通常都會用日本的烈酒­燒酎。材料浸在酒內,為酒添上味道,而據說酒亦能將材料內­有益的物質釋放出來。



這種新式藥酒對我極具­吸引力,因為我本來想以中藥來­調理身體,可是卻難以接受一碗滾­熱的苦茶。因此若能將有益的草藥­統統泡進一杯酒裡,真那 是再好不過了。

但是該飲哪種藥酒好呢?的狀我 徵 是什麼?如何消除這些徵狀?我要靠酒保花村來為我­解答。她建議我從最平易近人­的紫蘇藥酒開始,據說有助紓緩緊張和壓­力,最宜於狂歡飲和大 大食的假期後用來調養­身體。

她將玻璃瓶打,開 舀了幾杓酒進放了冰塊­的酒杯內。一陣紫蘇的氣味微微散­發出來,清香四溢跟, 我飲常的苦茶截然不同。三杯下肚之後,找尋 這家酒吧時的緊張心情­已經被拋到九霄外雲去­了。

花對村 我說,酒吧內40多種藥酒全­部都是自家浸泡的。她說:「基酒主要是燒酎,也有威士忌。有時會用

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