

FIONNUALA MCHUGH enters the surreal world of Macau-based Russian artist Konstantin Bessmertny Fionnuala McHugh走進居於­澳門的俄羅斯藝術家君­士坦丁的超現實世界

- By FIONNUALA MCHUGH Fionnuala McHugh

The Russian artist Konstantin Bessmertny lives in the southweste­rn corner of one island (Coloane in Macau). From there, he travels every week to his studio on the northeaste­rn corner of another (Hong Kong Island). The journey between these two Special Administra­tive Regions of China takes about an hour. Bessmertny uses the time to sort out his own administra­tion so that he doesn’t arrive with what he calls ‘a brain-cluster of things to do’. He must have a clear start to the day in order to work. ‘And then it has to be anarchy. Everything has to be on the floor.’

Controlled chaos is a trademark of Bessmertny’s work. He’s probably best-known for the tiny, dubious figures – gamblers, prostitute­s, strippers – that crowd his surreal landscapes in the style of Bruegel and Hieronymus Bosch. His paintings can look like a homage to tradition; only when you peer more closely do you see the subversion.

When he came to Macau in 1992, he had travelled from the world’s largest country to live in a geographic­al dot. That dot was about to begin its

俄羅斯藝術家君士坦丁­住在澳門小島路環的西­南面一隅,每他 個星期乘船前往位於香­港島東北面的工作室。這趟橫跨兩個中國特別­行政區的渡海航程大約­一個小時,他會利用這段時間處理­各種私人事務,免得下船時「千頭萬緒,混。一片 亂」他表示,頭腦清醒才能展開一天­的,工作 「然後就陷入有如無政府­的狀態,我會將所有東西都攤在­地上。」

「亂中有序」是君士坦丁的作品特色。他最為人熟悉的作品就­是那些看起來並非善類­的小人兒,例如賭徒、、妓女 脫衣舞孃等,擠在洋溢超現實主義色­彩的景物,之中 令人聯想起荷蘭畫家B­ruegel及Hie­ronymus Bosch的作品。看乍 之下,的他 作品似乎是對傳致統敬,但仔細端詳,卻會發現當中蘊藏顛覆­傳統的內涵。

他在1992年離開了­家鄉,由全球面積最大的,國家來到在地圖只上 是一個小點的。,澳門 當時 這個蕞爾小島亦即將展­開一趟蛻變的旅程,從昏昏欲的睡 小城,搖身一變成為舉世聞名­的東方賭城。對於臉上總是掛著燦笑­的爛 容 君士坦丁而言,這些都是上佳的素材,讓他可以創作出異常荒­誕的藝術品。

他生於中俄邊境城市海­蘭泡,孩提時期已經醉心藝。術 在蘇維埃社會主義共和­國的年代,藝術品與建築全都是龐­然巨物, 括在中國境內黑龍江畔­凝視

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