



Author ALASTAIR SAWDAY on the cathedral in Orvieto


作家Alastair Sawday初次見到­奧爾維耶托主教座堂的­印象

IN MY EARLY twenties I had a holiday job that took me to the Cathedral of Orvieto in Umbria, central Italy. There, all my astonishme­nt at the culture of Italy became focused on one building, in one precious moment of time. And there were subtexts, too, such as innocence laid bare and pretension­s unveiled.

I escorted some tourists there as sunset cast its glow over the already golden facade of this mighty building – golden because much of it is faced in gold mosaic, bringing a touch of Byzantine to this masterpiec­e of Italian gothic. I was so transfixed by its beauty that I wandered into the building as if into another world: perhaps exactly what was intended. No choir stalls, no seats; but a polished floor glistening into the distance past giant columns of striped stone, a pattern echoed on the walls and clerestory: simplicity and complexity masterfull­y mixed. I went into a side chapel to encounter the Apocalypse and Last Judgement frescoes by Luca Signorelli. So deep was my enchantmen­t that I marvelled at the grim visions of unspeakabl­e torment. But for me the crowning revelation was personal.

Signorelli painted the Harlot of the Apocalypse riding through the sky on a devil. I had innocently just sent a postcard of it to a friend, and here it was, a tiny part of something far greater and a reminder of my own place in the universe. I left with a renewed awareness of how much there was to learn.

Alastair Sawday is a guidebook publisher and author of Travelling Light: Journeys Among Special People and Places 我在20歲出頭的時候,因為假期找到一份工作­的緣故,來到意大利中部翁布里­亞大區,有機會參觀奧爾維耶托­主教座堂。我非常驚訝地發現,就在這珍貴的一刻,我藉著一座建築物體會­到意大利文化的精萃。這當中還夾雜了個人的­體會,例如毫無掩飾的天真與­將矯揉造作的心態揭破。

我陪著一些遊客前往那­裡時,夕陽的餘暉正照在這座­宏偉教堂的正面,看上去金光閃閃。金色的光芒來自金色的­馬賽克鑲嵌壁畫,是帶有拜占庭風格的意­大利哥德式傑作。眼前的美景令我看得呆­住了,我信步走進教堂內,彷彿走進另一個世界,也許這正是教堂的用意。裡面沒有詩班席,沒有座椅,只有打磨得閃閃發亮的­地板,一直伸展至遠處,兩旁的巨型石柱、牆壁和高懸牆上的窗戶,都鑲嵌了條紋,以精妙的手法將簡約與­繁複混合得恰到好處。然後走進旁邊的小教堂,就可見到Luca Signorelli­的濕壁畫《末日與最後審判》。我對這幅畫非常著迷,以至對於畫中那些難以­言喻的痛苦景象亦不自­禁的讚歎起來。這幅畫亦帶給我一個非­常重要的啟示。


AlastairSa­wday是旅遊指南出­版商和《Travelling Light: JourneysAm­ongSpecial­PeopleandP­laces》的作者

 ??  ?? 肅然起敬建於14世紀­的奧爾維耶托主教座堂­至今依然是意大利哥德­式建築的典範
 ??  ?? Paying respects Built in the 14th century, Orvieto’s cathedral is one of the best examples of Italian gothic architectu­re
Paying respects Built in the 14th century, Orvieto’s cathedral is one of the best examples of Italian gothic architectu­re

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