

As the inaugural Michelin Guide Guangzhou launches, CATHY ADAMS finds the best restaurant­s in southern China’s biggest city隨著《米芝蓮指南廣州》首次推出, Cathy Adams前往南中國­最大城市羊城遍嚐各式­巧手粵菜


‘I’M SO SPOILT living in Guangzhou,’ says Wai Zhou, founder of Eating Adventures and a local foodie champion. ‘ The cuisine here is the finest in all of China.’ The old Chinese saying ‘Be born in Suzhou, live in Hangzhou, eat in Guangzhou, die in Liuzhou’ suggests that she’s not the only one to think so.

Zhou and I are having dinner at Bingsheng Zen Tea House, a cute vegetarian restaurant on the cusp of Xiaogang Park. It’s my third meal in Guangzhou, and the tastiest I’ve had all weekend. Which is quite a statement, given I’ve had lashings of dim sum and cheung fan (a Cantonese delicacy of steamed rice noodle rolls), washed down with all kinds of exotic tea.

Guangzhou – formerly Canton – is the capital of Guangdong province, and the spiritual home of Cantonese cuisine (sorry, Hong Kong). As Guangzhou welcomed its first Michelin Guide at the end of June, it’s finally getting the official recognitio­n it deserves.

And thanks to a high level of domestic migration over the past few decades – some estimates put the number of Chinese from other provinces as high as five million – Guangzhou’s food scene is not just limited to Cantonese cuisine. You’ll find that the city is laced with restaurant­s serving dishes from provinces as far away as Sichuan and Xinjiang.

Here’s a selection of the best restaurant­s in Guangzhou.

Eating Adventures­旅行社創辦櫻對菜人 子 粵 烹調推崇備至,因此亦不遺餘力地對外­推廣。:她說 「我住在廣州,簡直是慣被 壞了。這裡的烹飪之講究和精­在緻, 全中國可說無出其右。」中國有句古老的俗語說:「生在蘇州,住在杭食州,在廣州,死在柳州」,見可 這並非她個人自吹自擂。

櫻子跟我正在炳勝禪.意茶素享用晚,餐是這 一家環境與佈置均清雅­怡人的素菜館,位於曉港公園。入口 這是我在廣州吃的第三­餐,也是整個周末最美味的­一餐。這句話並非我信口河開 隨便說的,而是在狼吞虎嚥了大量­點心和腸粉,並灌下多種風味奇特的­珍茗異茶後得之 所 出的結論。

廣州是市 廣東省省,的 會亦是國中 八大菜系之一粵菜的源­發 地而, 香港飲食亦界繼承了粵­菜多許 優良的統傳 。隨著米《 芝蓮指南廣州》於今年6月底推出,廣州的佳餚美食終於獲­得早了 就應該獲得的正式榮譽。

過去數十年來,大量外省人移居廣州有, 人估計數目高達萬50­0 。,因此 廣的食州 美 絕不只局限於粵菜你。 會現發 城中有不少餐廳供應省­其他 份的菜式,就連川菜甚至新疆菜也­可以嚐。到


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