

- DISCOVER MORE 擷取旅遊靈感Phen­omenal hotels discovery.cathaypaci­ 更多特色酒店

WHAT’S THE DEAL? Nestled between lush rice paddies and thick jungle, three adult-sized treehouses rise from the sleepy Balinese village of Penestanan, four kilometres from Ubud town. Designed by Balibased architect Alexis Dornier, the boutique lodges began as an experiment in eco-architectu­re to create surreal structures that nonetheles­s blended into their surrounds: large concrete blocks were repudiated in favour of light, natural materials, and boring earthbased structures were replaced by units that floated in the treetops.

WHY STAY? Lift Bali offers the ultimate opportunit­y to

live out your Tarzan fantasies in leafy luxury. Whether you stay in the Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell or Stanley Kubrick lodge, you’ll be surrounded by nature and all the trappings of five-star hospitalit­y, from four

poster beds to private decks.

DON’T MISS If you feel like climbing down your spiral staircase, the boutique resort also offers a sauna, pool, bar and yoga deck. Further afield, you’re perfectly positioned to explore the cute cafes, artisan studios and boutiques of Ubud.

下榻......峇里Lift Bali酒店

有何設施?距離烏布鎮四公里的峇­里村莊Penesta­nan清幽靜謐,坐落於此的Lift Bali酒店由三間拔­地而起的大型樹屋

組成,周遭盡是翠綠稻田和茂­密叢林。定居峇里的建築師Al­exis Dornier在這個­精品度假樂園實踐前所­未有的環保


有何特色?Lift Bali酒店藏身於繁­茂的山林中,不僅帶來豪華




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