China Daily

Outgoing Indonesian leader urges candidate to concede election loss

- By REUTERS in Jakarta

Indonesia’s outgoing leader on Monday came within a whisker of telling retired general Prabowo Subianto to admit defeat so that the country’s most bitterly fought leadership contest could be resolved.

Prabowo has almost certainly lost the July 9 election but on Sunday cried foul and demanded the Elections Commission investigat­e vote cheating before he would accept its result. The Commission was due to announce the result on Monday or Tuesday.

“Admitting defeat is noble,” President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said in a clear reference to Prabowo.

A protracted wrangle over the election outcome could undermine confidence in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy which has seen strong investment in recent years.

Private tallies of the 130 million votes show Jakarta governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo won by about 5 percentage points over Prabowo, who has spent the last 10 years preparing for his presidenti­al bid.

Prabowo’s recalcitra­nce has led to fears his supporters might turn violent and some have threatened to rally outside the Elections Commission office in central Jakarta ahead of the official result, which under law must be declared by Tuesday.

The national police and military have deployed nearly 300,000 personnel across the vast archipelag­o of 240 million people. Security has also been beefed up around the KPU office but there has been no word of any violence.

“We don’t anticipate the KPU to be a hot spot for violence,” national police spokespers­on Boy Rafli Amar said.

“At the same time, we ask the public not to assemble there so that the KPU officials can continue their work in a conducive atmosphere.”

Candidates can lodge complaints with the Constituti­onal Court, which has been done by the losers in the previous two presidenti­al elections. The Court has to return a verdict on any challenge within two weeks. The verdict cannot be appealed.

“If there is someone who does not accept the official result, I would advise them to peacefully go the constituti­onal route,” said Yudhoyono, who hosted both candidates for dinner at the presidenti­al palace on Sunday night.

Analysts said it would need a reversal of up to 7 million votes to hand Prabowo victory.

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