China Daily

Report: Fossil fuel reserves would crush climate goals

31 more countries join Paris Agreement on Wednesday during the UN General Assembly

- By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE in Oxford, United Kingdom

Developed oil, gas and coal reserves, if exhausted, are enough to push Earth well past the threshold for dangerous climate change, according to a report published on Thursday.

Fossil fuels from active fields and mines allowed to operate through their projected lifetimes would punch through the two degree Celsius cap for global warming laid down in the Paris Agreement, said the report, based on industry data.

The analysis by Oil Change Internatio­nal was released the day after world leaders gathered in New York to speed the global climate pact, signed by 195 nations in December, into force.

That is likely to happen before the end of the year, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday.

As climate change impacts — heat waves, deadly flooding, storm surges fueled by rising seas — hit earlier and harder than predicted, pressure has grown to accelerate the transition away from carbon-intensive fossil fuels.

The coal industry has been hit hardest, with moratorium­s on new plants put in place this year in China and Indonesia, along with one covering federal land in the United States.

The Paris Agreement calls for holding global warming at “well below” 2 C compared to pre-Industrial Revolution levels, and under 1.5 C if possible.

Existing reserves of oil and gas alone, even without coal, would be enough to breach the 1.5 C barrier, according to the 60-page report.

The landmark agreement on climate change moved closer to reality on Wednesday after 31 countries joined during the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The Paris Agreement needs ratificati­on from 55 countries that account for at least 55 percent of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions responsibl­e for climate change.

With Wednesday’s event, in which leaders ceremonial­ly ratified the accord, a total of 60 countries have joined the Paris accord but they account for less than 48 percent of global emissions.

“If the world is serious about achieving the goals agreed in Paris, government­s have to stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry,” said Stephen Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change Internatio­nal.

Out of reach

Many of 200 climate scientists gathered in Oxford, England, this week at a conference on the more stringent climate change goal have said that staying under 1.5 C may be out of reach.

The planet has already heated up 1.0 C, and could see its first year above 1.5 C “within a decade,” said Richard Betts, head of climate impacts research at the Met Office Hadley Center in England.

The new analysis compares the projected emissions of burning fossil fuels from current operations to the carbon “budget” — the sum total of CO2 that can be emitted without exceeding the 2C limit.

Scientists calculate that budget to be less than 1,000 billion tonnes of CO2.

Previous studies of these limits have focused more on the consumptio­n of oil, gas and coal rather than the potential for supply.

“Once an extraction operation is underway, it creates an incentive to continue so as to recoup investment and create profits,” Greg Muttitt, lead author of the report, said.

This is how carbon emissions get “locked in”, he added.

Projected investment in new fields, mines and transporta­tion infrastruc­ture over the next 20 years is $14 trillion, according to industry figures.

Some of the biggest projects in the pipeline are in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, Russia, Qatar and Iran.

For coal — the dirtiest, or most carbon-polluting, of the major fossil fuels — two countries, Australia and India, are moving forward with largescale new mining developmen­t.

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