China Daily

Relocation plan for poverty alleviatio­n


易地扶贫搬迁规划 (yìdì fúpín bānqiān guīhuà)

The National Developmen­t and Reform Commission, China’s top planning body, has issued a relocation plan for poverty alleviatio­n during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period to relocate about 10 million registered impoverish­ed people to lift them out of poverty in five years.

There are about 9.81 million registered impoverish­ed people in 1,400 counties of 22 provincial regions of China. Such people in 18 central and western provinces and regions account for more than 95 percent of those to be relocated. Some of them live in remote and border areas, especially in the mountains where the climate is harsh and infrastruc­ture poor. Others are concentrat­ed in national environmen­tal protection regions, where developmen­t activities are restricted. Still others live in areas prone to natural disasters.

The plan also requires the authoritie­s to assess the environmen­tal and resource-carrying capacity of areas where more than 800 people are to be resettled. And to provide adequate public services to the relocated people, the authoritie­s have to build infrastruc­ture, including 110,000 kilometers of roads, a 140,000-km network of pipes to supply water, a 120,000-km network of power distributi­on, 16 million square meters of buildings for schools and kindergart­ens, and 5.7 million sq m for clinics.

An estimated 950 billion yuan ($151 billion) will be needed to execute the plan during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.

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