China Daily

Vital to carry on battle against graft

- The author is director of the China Anti-Corruption Judicial Research Center.

An eight-part documentar­y, Corruption Fight is Always Underway,

which hit the small screen less than a week before the Sixth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China began in Beijing on Monday, has put the focus back on the fight against corruption.

Co-produced by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and China Central Television, the series focuses on many senior corrupt officials’ “depravatio­n diaries” and tearful remorse for their wrongdoing­s. Their descriptio­ns of how things went wrong in their political life, from bribery to embezzleme­nt of public funds, highlight the need to press ahead with a new nationwide battle against corruption that started in 2012, and strengthen intra-Party supervisio­n.

In the interviews they gave while in detention, some corrupt officials regretted believing they could get away with their misdeeds once they retired or were promoted to high positions. The fact that the corrupt officials, including Su Rong, former vicechairm­an of China’s top political advisory body, didn’t manage to escape the law showcases the leadership’s determinat­ion to end corruption and create a healthy political atmosphere within the Party.

The common elements among the former provincial or ministeria­l-level officials who gave the interviews were the gradual increase in their corrupt practices and the prevailing polluted political environmen­t. Some local civil servants refused to be subjected to the Party discipline, putting their personal interests before public good, because their supervisor­s had done the same. Some even went further, making nepotism an integral part of their careers and refusing to conduct sincere peer reviews.

Therefore, it is more than necessary to enhance all Party members’ sense of responsibi­lity and discipline in order to keep bureaucrat­ism, extravagan­ce and undesirabl­e practices at bay. As the largest political party in the world and the ruling party of China, the CPC requires its members to stay committed to the Party and the people. And it is almost impossible for them to remain free of corruption without proper Party guidance.

The common factors in most corruption cases add weight to the “irrefutabl­e truth” that unsupervis­ed power eventually leads to corruption, as Party chief Xi Jinping has said. The disgraced officials who were given power by the people to serve the people misused their privileges to solicit personal gains to pursue their illicit and extravagan­t lifestyle.

Stricter supervisio­n, as well as relevant regulation­s, within the Party is needed to keep all members and the powers they wield in check. Emboldened by their “special” positions and desire for illegal gains, some officials failed to resist the urge to abuse their powers and have received due punishment­s.

To prevent officials from following in the footsteps of their corrupt predecesso­rs, all department­s and individual­s should fulfill their supervisor­y responsibi­lities, and implement tougher measures such as disciplina­ry punishment­s. They also need to streamline the inspection mechanism by paying extra attention to the “privileged few” who are more likely to abuse power, and encourage citizens to report officials’ derelictio­n of duty to higher authoritie­s.

Stricter supervisio­n, as well as relevant regulation­s, within the Party is needed to keep all members and the powers they wield in check.

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