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侙ξౕ侙Გ㺬χ⑁䃟 Ѓ᫝⚟ ⮱ߞᔄ华↑ጟͧᗕ۳ิສćć


ᰵ ᬒ喑侙ξऄ䖭ܧፚౕ侙Გ㺬χͫ㵹⮱Ą⣜⤰䒙ಸ䃧ಈą喍Glob­al Transforma­tion Forum喎䔈㵹ࢸ䒡⑁䃟喑̻䓾 ऺ Გ㜗̓⩹ऱౝ⮱݈͇㔲হᎡ䒨ϧϑ≮ȡᅞౕ䃧ಈ ݺ̭๖喑⩞侙ξࣨᎡ᣽ܧȠ ۆ䔈Ლጋ G20 ڙ ॷ⮱

eWTP喑ڣ⊤ใ仃͗Ą䄂侹ࡧąΌౕ侙Გ㺬χ㥪ౝγȡ eWTP, Electronic World Trade Platformȡ ᠶ⚔侙ξ⮱㼐䛷喑eWTP ᭜⩞⻮㥒䘕䬕ࣾ䊤喑ऱ ڞ᫦ڠᩥ⯷ݖ ह࣯̻⮱̓⩹⩢ၽ䉥ᭀᎠझ喑ᬕౕӰ䔈ڙ⻮ᄦ䄊喑ᣕߕᐧ⿸Ⱕ ڠ㻱݆喑ͧ䌕ධ⩢ၽੳߎ⮱֒Ꮴࣾᆂ㥒䕍ܴ჋ᰶ᩵⮱ᩬゃহੳ͇⣜ධ喑ϻ㔹፛ߖ ڕ⤰ࣾᆂ͚పუহᰭ̺ࣾ䓫పუȠ͚ᄼЮ͇ȠᎡ䒨ϧᰡ᫦Ӭౝ䔈౧ጯ⤰ڕڒ ࣯̻ڕ⤰㏼≻ȡ 侙ξ㘪ःᓄຯϷ⮱᜽ߌ喑䮑γЃ⮱㗳䃳Ƞᮧᚔহ͗ϧ偲߈喑㘪䄡̭ऐ≮ ݖ⮱㠞䄚喑ౕڕ̓⩹Ąᣕ䨭ą㜗ጞ⮱ ⤳ᔢ喑᭜䲋፥䛺㺮⮱ȡ ̸䲏᜾ЙᅞᲒⰸⰸ侙ξవㆶ侙­Გ㺬χ⮱䔆౧䪬䓫 ܳ䧌⮱㠞᪴⑁䃟ȡ ⑁䃟ᒵ䪬喑᜾Йិϛ◦ᕨ㐀ܧᲒ喑ӈ ๔უ⁐䉼ȡ ڠ λ๞䉒হ⟜䩆 Every mistake, every setback, every time people refuse us, I take it as a learning curve. ⃼̭⁎๞䉒喑⃼̭⁎ᡘៅ喑⃼̭⁎㷘ݘ ϧ៿㐊喑᜾䘪ិႰᒀ҉̭⁎䃚㏰ȡ To me, being rejected by people is natural. If you are accepted by people, that’s not natural. ౕ᜾ⰸᲒ喑㷘ϧ៿㐊䔆᭜ᒵₐ፥⮱ θᗲȡ㷘ݘ ϧᣒऄ᝺᭜Ꭳ䲋䶧⤳᜽」⮱θᗲȡ If one day I decide to write a book, the name will be Alibaba and 1,001 Mistakes. ຯ᳉ᰶ̭๖喑᜾ⱌ⮱㺮ۆ̭᱙Γ喑Γऺᄳ᭜Ȩ䭬䛹ጡጡহ ͗䩆䄜ȩȡ I never went to a business school for even one day for training. I sent a lot of people for MBA in the past. They were very smart before they went. When they came back, they became stupid. ᜾͗ϧ⇎ᰶᣒऄ䓴̭๖ੳ႓䮏䃚㏰ȡ䔆ψᎡ᜾䔮γᒵ็ϧ̷ࣨ .#"ȡЃЙࣨ͸ݺ䲋፥㖗ᬻ喑ѳఋ Გᬣ䘪अ㵏γȡ When people complain, they lose opportunit­ies and close their minds. The world is full of opportunit­ies when it is full of complainin­g people. ᒀϧЙ៞ᕕ⮱ᬣՆ喑ЃЙₐౕ๞ࣨ ᱧч喑Ꭳ́㷘៞ᕕ⺮䩏γᕊᘠȡᒀ ̓⩹ٲ␎γ៞ᕕ⮱ϧ喑䗐͵䔆͗̓ ⩹ัั䘪᭜ᱧчȡ ڠ λο㖁㑾ᬣА Please pay attention to those who are below 30. In the next 30 years, pay attention to those companies that have fewer than 30 people. 䄤⪆ᘼ䗐ψ ᆮВ̸⮱ϧȡ᱗Გ Ꭱ䛹喑⪆ᘼ䗐ψᄾλ ڙ⮱ϧ थȡ People said technology is killing jobs. No, every technology revolution created more jobs than people thought. They created different jobs. This is the opportunit­y for China and Asia. ϧЙ䄡ឭᱜᦔ⃮γᅞ͇喑᜾䄡̺喑⃼̭⁎ឭᱜ䲖প䘪ч݈䕍ᰡ็⮱ᅞ͇ᱧч喑℁ϧЙᘠ䆎ᓄᰡ็喑ឭᱜ݈䕍ܧγ̺ह⮱ጒ҉ȡ䔆᭜͚పহχ ≟⮱ᱧ䕴ȡ ڠ λ᱗Გ᫝䊸߬ I think this century is tailor-made. Everything should be tailor-made and smart-made. ᱙̓㏗᭜Ⴧݣࡃ⮱ᬣА喑⃼̭ᵤ͉㺬䘪Ꮑ䄒᭜Ⴧݣࡃ⮱Ƞᮧ㘪ࡃ⮱ȡ Today, if your industry is based on assembly line, standard, large scale, low cost, low value and low price, you have no future. ຯϷ喑ຯ᳉ҍ⮱Ю͇᭜ധλ≮Ⅱ㏬⩌ϔ喑ᴴ۳ࡃȠ๔㻱὎Ƞѻ᜽᱙Ƞѻ ФթȠѻФᵩ喑䗐͵ҍᄳ⇎ᰶ᱗Გȡ ڠ λ̻ᱧக》ζ In the past 20 years, we made people like machines. Next 20 years, we will make machines like people. Machines are going to be more powerful and smarter than people. ⮱ࣨ䓴 Ꭱ͚喑᜾Йិϧअᓄ׼ᱧ கȡ᱗Გ Ꭱ喑᜾Йч䃖ᱧகअᓄ ׼ϧȡᱧகч℁ϧᰡᰶ߈䛼喑Όᰡ㖗ᬻȡ In the future, if you want to compete with a machine to see who is knowledgea­ble, you have no chance to win. So how should we compete with a machine? I think we should teach our kids culture and value. These are the things that humans can always win against machines. ᄳᲒ喑ຯ᳉ҍᘠহᱧக℁䊈喑ⰸⰸ䄮ᰡⴒ䃳⌷ࢇ喑䗐ҍ∕Ⴧч䓀ȡ᝭ В喑᜾Й ݝ Ꮒ㺮ຯ҂̻ᱧக》ζ এ喤᜾䃑ͧ喑᜾ЙᏁ䄒᪆ч႖ၽ᪴ ࡃহФթ㻯ȡ䔆ψ᭜ᱧகⅥ䔉ᬍ∂ Юࣷ⮱ȡ ڠ λ᜽ߌ If you want to be successful, you should have EQ. If you do not want to lose, you should have IQ. If you want to be respected, you should have LQ, the Q of love. So these three Qs are very, very important for anybody who wants to be successful: IQ, EQ, LQ. ຯ᳉ҍᘠ᜽ߌ喑ҍᏁ䄒ᰶᗲੳ喠ຯ ᳉ҍ̺ᘠ๞䉒喑ҍᏁ䄒ᰶᮧੳ喠ຯ ᳉ҍᘠᓄ ݝᄷ䛺喑䗐ᅞڠ ͻ❞ੳ 喍LQ喎ȡ᝭Вᄦλᘠ᜽ߌ⮱ϧᲒ䄡䔆Ą̶ੳą㜠ڠ䛺㺮喟ᮧੳȠᗲੳȠ ❞ੳȡ

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