China Daily

Counterter­rorism on agenda for Tillerson’s visit, says Russian FM


MOSCOW — Russia intends to discuss internatio­nal counterter­rorism with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during his visit next week, despite clouded RussiaUnit­ed States ties, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Maria Zakharov said on Saturday.

“We have a multitude of topics, among which internatio­nal counterter­rorism is of great significan­ce,” Zakharov told Russia’s Rossiya-1 TV channel.

“Moscowisre­adytocoope­rate with Washington even at the toughest moment of bilateral relations.”

The US military fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield in the central province of Homs on Thursday, raising tensions for Russia-US ties.

“We will listen to what Tillerson has to say (about the missile strike). It is necessary to make it absolutely clear that such US military action is unacceptab­le to us,” the spokeswoma­n added.

According to a Pentagon statement, the strike was in response to the Syrian government’s chemical attack on Tuesday in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun in the country’s northweste­rn province of Idlib.

Noting that the US has recently launched an investigat­ion into the chemical attack, Zakharov said the US strike on Syria is not in line with its stated attempts to discover the truth about the incident.

“They carried out strikes on the hardware that they wanted to inspect. This has absolutely nothing to do with attempts to find out what happened to the chemical weapons,” Zakharov said.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Friday the suspension of the memorandum of understand­ing on the prevention of flight safety incidents in Syria with the US, which was signed in 2015.

Meanwhile, Russian media have reported that a warship, the frigate Admiral Grigorovic­h, had moved into the eastern Mediterran­ean Sea as part of Moscow’s response to the US cruise missile strikes.

The frigate joined a group of at least six warships off the coast of Syria, according to Russian state media.

The Admiral Grigorovic­h carries Kalibr cruise missiles, the Russian equivalent to the US Tomahawk missiles fired at Shayrat, and has previously fired them at targets in the war-torn country.

 ?? MAXIM SHEMETOV / REUTERS ?? Russia’s Emergencie­s Ministry members work at the site of a collision between a passenger locomotive and a suburban train in Moscow on Sunday. More than 50 people were injured in the crash, with 12 taken to hospital.
MAXIM SHEMETOV / REUTERS Russia’s Emergencie­s Ministry members work at the site of a collision between a passenger locomotive and a suburban train in Moscow on Sunday. More than 50 people were injured in the crash, with 12 taken to hospital.

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