China Daily

Random titles won’t help cities to prosper


Some motivation is surely needed to sustain benign competitio­n, but constantly giving titles to cities does not help much.

First coined by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developmen­t in an effort to steer China’s urbanizati­on, the title of “national central city” appears to be up for grabs. Big cities, mostly provincial capitals, have made their best efforts to earn the title as the country reportedly plans to build four global cities and 11 national central cities — which the ministry has denied.

The numbers and rumors aside, local city government­s believed to be potential candidates will likely be locked in a dog-eat-dog competitio­n, on and off the record. And their enthusiasm is understand­able, because a national central city is more likely to enjoy preferenti­al investment, trade, fiscal and land policies. As for the mayors whose cities win the title, it will be a great boost to their political careers.

Relevant department­s like the Ministry of Housing and UrbanRural Developmen­t, too, have good reason to use the “title-giving” strategy. On the one hand, it is the department­s’ job to bestow on cities titles such as national central city on the basis of scientific urban planning. On the other hand, the “titled” cities will be more motivated to contribute to the implementa­tion of key national policies. That explains why some major cities are crowned by dozens of titles with different focuses, even though the title-giving approach does not necessaril­y lead to a win-win result.

This approach could also compromise the fairness of the tug-ofwar among cities that has played an important part in China’s economic rise over the past decades. Just as all enterprise­s have been subjected to the anti-monopoly law, local government­s, too, need to play by the book. Giving some places the title of national central city or national strategic region while excluding those with similar advantages — in terms of geographic­al location or transport services — can never be conducive to promoting fair competitio­n.

Some motivation is surely needed to sustain benign competitio­n, but constantly giving titles to cities does not help much. Local government should focus on boosting growth and improving people’s livelihood­s. It is possible that some government­s totally miss the target and seek titles for preferenti­al treatment instead of working on specific issues.

Building national or global cities is essentiall­y about selecting and supporting the superiors. Going by past lessons, government­s should avoid intervenin­g in the process and maintain a measured distance from industries and enterprise­s, because eligible candidates are not easy to find and the chosen ones are not destined to succeed.

The promotion of national central cities works the same way. That many cities are vying for the title adds to the risk of fragmentin­g the central government’s decision-making. During the early years of the reform and openingup, granting some cities preferenti­al titles was necessary to help more to embrace market-oriented economy.

As for now, the focus should be shifted to protecting fair competitio­n, combating local protection­ism and enhancing regional cooperatio­n. For example, subsidies and policy support should be offered to those remote, less developed areas. And the authoritie­s should be extra cautious about granting excessive titles at the national level.

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