China Daily



Capricorn (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) Suggest a good idea that will help thwart a plan that makes no sense to you. A congenial approach to a deal that doesn’t favor you will help you balance the outcome.

Aquarius (JAN. 20-FEB. 19) Put more effort into making personal improvemen­ts and financial gains and living a healthy lifestyle. Home improvemen­ts will make your life less stressful. Romance is highlighte­d.

Pisces (FEB. 20-MARCH 20) An honest look at the past will help you develop a plan that will improve your future. Don’t shy away from doing things differentl­y. Accepting your uniqueness will help you excel.

Aries (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) A change of scenery will do you good. Taking a day trip or visiting someone with similar interests will be enlighteni­ng and will give you a new lease on life.

Taurus (APRIL 20-MAY 20) Do things differentl­y in order to attract an audience. Your ability to resolve issues and achieve goals will raise awareness and enhance your reputation.

Gemini (MAY 21-JUNE 20) Stick to the script. If you exaggerate or give someone the wrong impression about what you are offering, you will end up in an emotional situation that will be difficult to reverse.

Cancer (JUNE 21-JULY 22) Share something you enjoy doing with someone you love to spend time with. Engaging in intellectu­al banter and collaborat­ing to come up with a plan that leads to a better lifestyle are encouraged.

Leo (JULY 23-AUG. 22) Stubbornne­ss will set you back. Try to work with your peers to come up with the best solutions. Finishing projects will be the cornerston­e to getting ahead.

Virgo (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) Refuse to get worked up over what someone else does or says. Walk away from a dispute and seize any opportunit­y you get to expand your awareness, knowledge and skills.

Libra (SEPT. 23-OCT. 23) Truth is essential when dealing with a child, loved one or friend. Delays and confusion will tamper with your plans. Leave plenty of time to reach your destinatio­n.

Scorpio (OCT. 24-NOV. 22) Home is where the heart is. Make a space that will encourage you to work on something that makes you feel good about yourself and the direction you are heading.

Sagittariu­s (NOV. 23-DEC. 21) Don’t take the bait. If someone uses emotional tactics to grab your attention, respond with a peaceful alternativ­e solution that will help you avoid a senseless argument.

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