China Daily

By 2020, China will create rules for environmen­tal monitoring

- By ZHENG JINRAN zhengjinra­n@

China will establish a system of responsibi­lity guaranteei­ng that environmen­tal monitoring stations and data remain free of interferen­ce and falsificat­ion, the central government said in a statement on Thursday.

By 2020, China will establish a system of responsibi­lity covering all parties involved in environmen­tal monitoring — government­s, polluting companies and service agencies — and will include improved management measures, the statement said.

The system will be aimed at making sure all monitoring stations, agencies and employees, work independen­tly and impartiall­y to ensure accurate, authentic records, the statement said.

To improve the quality of monitoring data, it’s critical to create policies on the conduct of environmen­tal science, which will help government­s win public trust, it added.

China has taken steps to improve technology and improve the accuracy of data collected over the past 40 years, said Liu Zhiquan, head of the environmen­tal monitoring department at the Ministry of Environmen­tal Protection.

But interferen­ce from some government officials, companies and service agencies have been exposed frequently, harming the government­s’ reputation and misreprese­nting the condition of the environmen­t, Liu said.

For example, environmen­tal inspectors from the central government found that the government­s of Xiangtan city and Xiangxiang county in Hunan province had issued false documents in December saying that one of the leading companies had discharged pollutants at a level below the national standard to help the company pass an environmen­tal assessment.

Under the new system, government officials will play leading roles in preventing the falsificat­ion of monitoring data, and any city with severe violations will be summoned by the ministry and provincial environmen­t bureaus and receive severe punishment, the statement said.

In addition, all the monitoring data from different department­s — such as environmen­tal, agricultur­e, and water resources department­s at different levels — will share unified standards, the statement said.

It added that the environmen­t ministry will lead other ministries in building the overall monitoring network, covering the Chinese mainland, oceans and islands.

The system to strengthen monitoring data follows other steps, including a new interpreta­tion of the Criminal Law. Since Jan 1 this year, anyone who tampers with or fabricates data or interferes with the operation of monitoring equipment may face imprisonme­nt of three to seven years and be subject to fines in cases that result in severe consequenc­es. The punishment­s may deter violators, the ministry has said.

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