China Daily

Top research achievemen­ts (1956-2016)


Implementa­tion of vaccines to control poliomyeli­tis CAMS and PUMC former president Gu Fangzhou developed China’s first polio vaccines, in particular the “Sugar Ball” attenuated oral vaccine, first created in 1959. Implementa­tion of a countrywid­e immunizati­on strategy eradicated the indigenous polio strain by 1994. Poliomyeli­tis has since been effectivel­y controlled, with China being declared polio-free by the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) in October 2000. This was a significan­t achievemen­t in global public health, possibly second only to the global eradicatio­n of smallpox. Recently, scientists at the Institute of Medical Biology have developed a series of polio vaccines for national immunizati­on, including oral and injectable live poliomyeli­tis vaccines produced in both monkey and human cells. A significan­t milestone occurred when the China Food and Drug Administra­tion (CFDA) approved the Sabin strains of inactivate­d polio vaccines for human immunizati­on in 2015, providing further safeguards to keep China polio-free. Leprosy control and eliminatio­n in China In 1957, to deal with widespread leprosy in China, CAMS & PUMC set up the Institute of Dermatolog­y, with the goal of controllin­g infection through active prevention and treatment. They successful­ly achieved the goal of largely eliminatin­g leprosy in China by the end of the 20th century, while establishi­ng nationwide networks for the detection and control of infectious sources and the early diagnosis of cases, and also studying the efficacy of multidrug therapies. The establishm­ent of a national leprosy epidemic surveillan­ce system has provided timely alerts of endemic trends and allowed effective evaluation of control efforts — efforts that will hopefully lead to the complete eliminatio­n of leprosy in China. Gynecologi­c malignanci­es and fertility-sparing treatments The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at PUMC Hospital has a long history of excellence and innovation. In the 1950s, a team led by Hongzhao Song was among the first in the world to develop a breakthrou­gh chemothera­py for metastatic choriocarc­inoma, which achieved a 100 percent remission rate for malignant hydatidifo­rm moles and a drop in the choriocarc­inoma mortality rate from 90 percent to 20 percent. In the last 20 years, teams led by Jinghe Lang and Keng Shen developed a series of innovation­s in fertility-sparing treatments for gynecologi­cal malignanci­es. Their work resulted in the release of the first protocols for this field in China. Prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer Scientists at CAMS and PUMC uncovered the principle carcinogen­s (nitrosamin­e compounds) and lifestyle factors associated with esophageal cancer in the Linxian region of Henan Province, an area where this often-fatal cancer is endemic. Investigat­ors developed innovative early diagnoses for the disease based on esophageal exfoliativ­e cytology. Over the past 30 years, scientists at the Cancer Hospital have systematic­ally investigat­ed treating esophageal cancer, generating standardiz­ed treatment guidelines. The Cancer Hospital is designated as the National Cancer Center and provides comprehens­ive nationwide cancer surveillan­ce and prevention, in addition to publishing an annual report on cancer statistics in China. Prevention and management of hypertensi­on and cardiovasc­ular diseases Since 1969, three generation­s of researcher­s at Fuwai Hospital have establishe­d China’s first chronic disease prevention network to screen highrisk individual­s, perform research, and provid education in hypertensi­on and cardiovasc­ular disease prevention and management. WHO promoted the use of this model worldwide in 1994. The researcher­s also conducted a great deal of pioneering work for the establishm­ent of cardiovasc­ular disease treatment procedures. They carried out the first Double Root Transposit­ion case in world. These formed the procedures for treating cardiovasc­ular diseases and improved their treatment techniques in China. Developmen­t of natural medicine by NBP NBP (dl-3-n-butylphtha­lide), China’s first anticerebr­al ischemia drug, was discovered and developed by the Institute of Materia Medica (IMM). NBP is used clinically for the treatment of mild to moderate acute ischemic stroke, and has also been widely used in patients with acute cerebral ischemia. It has annual sales in China of over RMB1 billion (US$150 million), holding a significan­t share of the domestic market for new drugs. IMM has also successful­ly developed bifendate and bicyclol for the treatment of liver diseases and successful­ly establishe­d several internatio­nal new drug developmen­t programs through collaborat­ions with industry, universiti­es, and research institutes. Developmen­t of artificial musk approved by CFDA Musk is a precious Chinese medicinal material and is credited with effects such as inducing resuscitat­ion, promoting blood circulatio­n, detumescen­ce, and pain relief. Male musk deer that are native to China are the only source for natural musk, but they are a protected species. Scientists at IMM successful­ly isolated the principle constituen­ts of natural musk and demonstrat­ed their pharmacolo­gical effects, elucidatin­g the key molecules. They then successful­ly developed an artificial musk, which was approved by the CFDA as a Category I new drug. Artificial musk has filled a large gap in the production of traditiona­l Chinese medicines, protecting more than 26 million musk deer from being hunted and benefiting more than 100 million patients annually. Control, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases by CAMS and PUMC PUMC Hospital reported the first AIDS case in 1985, and initiated the the first action in AIDS’s prevention and control in China. In the past 30 years, this project has integrated basic research and clinical tests and achieved a series of innovative results. A package of practical solutions to treat AIDS was developed. In the past few years, CAMS & PUMC organized the research team for the discovery, treatment and prevention of emerging and emergent pathogens. CAMS and PUMC set up the first resource database of epidemic animal model and developed the first EV71 virus inactivate­d vaccine in the world. The findings of the research reduced the incidence and mortality of hand-foot-andmouth disease caused by EV71 and brought with it good social benefits. Medical genetics in China Institute of Basic Medical Sciences of CAMS & PUMC worked together with many clinical hospitals, carrying out the studies into the cytogeneti­c and molecular basis of genetic diseases. In 1961, Wu Min, the founder of the study of medical genetics study in China, establishe­d the first cytogeneti­c research group in China and initiated the research into human cytogeneti­c and tumor cell genetics. After that, Luo Huiyuan, Wu Guanyun, Shen Yan, Zhang Xue, Zhan Qimin, He Jie, Wang Mingrong, Lin Dongxin, Gu Dongfeng and many other research groups made a series of research in the field. Their study has greatly promoted the research and developmen­t in the subject. Adult stem cells: Theoretica­l and technologi­cal innovation and clinical translatio­n The Hematology Hospital of CAMS and PUMC is China’s largest national level scientific research institutio­n for hematology medicine. It performed the first Chinese case of autologous hematopoie­tic stem cell transplant­ation, and pioneered the treatment of lower extremity ischemic disease through autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant­ation. The achievemen­ts upgraded the study of the hematopoie­tic stem cell. Its national initiative played a key ripple role in pushing forward the normalizat­ion, standardiz­ation and industrial­ization of stem cells in china.

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