China Daily

Tackling rising natural disasters

- The author is an under-secretaryg­eneral of the United Nations and the executive secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

The past few weeks have been a grim reminder that natural disasters know no borders. They can strike countries at opposite ends of the globe simultaneo­usly and whether in Asia or North America, the images of people and livelihood­s being swept away are disturbing.

Intense monsoon floods, Typhoon Hato, Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma all raise questions about what more can be done to both mitigate the risks of extreme weather conditions and improve relief operations.

Disasters are becoming more frequent and intense. The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, in its recent report, “Disaster Resilience for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t: Leaving No One Behind”, shows natural disasters were responsibl­e for the loss of 2 million lives and cost the region’s economy $1.3 trillion between 1970 and 2016. Over 90 percent of the deaths were due to earthquake­s, tsunamis, cyclones and floods. The poor and vulnerable bore the brunt of these disasters, suffering a death toll five times higher than the rest of the population.

By 2030, 50 percent of the Asian population will be living in urban areas. The combinatio­n of unplanned urban sprawl and new cities means increasing numbers of people and economic stock will be exposed to future disasters we cannot predict. In megacities, more than 50 percent of the population already lives in disaster-prone areas where inequality is high.

Our focus must be on identifyin­g potential scenarios, determinin­g risk tolerance levels and building response capacity where it is inadequate. Policymake­rs need to strengthen the science and policy interfaces to allow countries to deal effectivel­y with these risks. The report offers a clear set of recommenda­tions on how to build resilience and reinforce sustainabl­e developmen­t in the region.

The importance of early warning cannot be overemphas­ized. In 2004, the world experience­d the Indian Ocean tsunami. It killed more than 250,000 people and was one of the deadliest natural disasters ever recorded. Unlike the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean had no early warning system in place for coastal communitie­s. Thanks to a founding contributi­on of $10 million from Thailand, the ESCAP Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedne­ss, has helped to plug this gap.

But for a tsunami warning system to be sustainabl­e, it needs to address multiple coastal hazards. Regional cooperatio­n can help share vital innovation­s in science and technology to strengthen tsunami early warning systems. ESCAP’s Trust Fund has helped to empower people through improved early warning of disasters and supported knowledge transfer from countries with strong disaster risk management capabiliti­es to other Asia-Pacific countries. To take just one example, technical support, modern equipment and online technologi­es helped upgrade the Myanmar National Earthquake Data Center, to meet internatio­nal standards for tsunami warning centers.

ESCAP, in collaborat­ion with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, organized an event at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, entitled “Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific: Achievemen­ts in Regional Cooperatio­n for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedne­ss”, to explore these issues further. The session was held on Sept 21, further presenting ESCAP’s research and showcasing the ESCAP Trust Fund’s contributi­on to building people’s resilience to disasters, so that no one is left behind in the pursuit of the UN Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals.

Policymake­rs need to strengthen the science and policy interfaces to allow countries to deal effectivel­y with these risks.

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