China Daily

Initiative promotes global collaborat­ion

What has impressed you most about China in the past five years?


The anti-corruption drive, because corruption — in economic terms — means additional costs. Roughly five years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping raised the concept of ecological civilizati­on. Are you aware of this in Europe?

We can easily share this concept. It is important that it is emphasized. We can say that everyone on the planet can share if we share some basic concepts. We must respect nature, and we have to do it globally, in bigger and smaller countries. What is your opinion of the Belt and Road Initiative?

I like the policy of open cooperatio­n, and I know this framework is inclusive; so almost every country can participat­e. This is not just a new road, but a galaxy. We should all work on this new concept, define it and benefit from it. General Secretary Xi proposed the initiative four years ago. What has been achieved?

It is progressin­g. I see that Romano Prodi, former president of the European Commission, is involved. He is interested, and he is not the only one. This initiative is not about protection­ism, but about sharing what we really care about and what we really wish to do together. The more we do together, the fewer problems we will encounter in the future. By working together, our Chinese partners can see the European economic and political models. This is important for all of us. Globalizat­ion allows everybody to come first. It does not depend on size. What Chinese values impressed you most?

When I was in Xi’an (capital of Shaanxi province) at a martial arts school, I started to become interested in the ethics of the practice. The master said initially the aim of kung fu was to protect the weak, not to make yourself stronger. The idea is to think about others. That is unique Chinese wisdom. I do not think China will copy the European democratic model, instead it will implement its own model. have

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