China Daily

Refugees refuse to leave PNG facility


SYDNEY — Hundreds of fearful refugees were urged to leave an Australian detention camp in Papua New Guinea on Wednesday as conditions worsened, with power and water cut off in a tense impasse.

Canberra agreed to close its Manus Island facility by the end of October after the PNG Supreme Court ruled that holding people there was unconstitu­tional.

It was due to be handed over to local authoritie­s on Tuesday, with some 600 men inside told to move to transition centers in the nearby town of Lorengau.

But many have locked themselves in, fearing they will not be safe outside where some in the local community do not want them.

Last week, there were reports that asylum-seekers faced “unchecked violence” and that they “have been getting stabbed, beaten, and robbed” ahead of the Oct 31 deadline.

Even the toilets do not work. Any time we expect that someone will attack us.” Behrouz Boochani, refugee

Staff have abandoned the camp, with electricit­y and water supplies cut, refugee advocates said. There have been reports of looting.

Iranian refugee Behrouz Boochani, who has lodged an affidavit in PNG’s Supreme Court trying to prevent the camp’s closure, said everyone was afraid after a restless night.

“There is not water, power and food. Even the toilets do not work,” he tweeted on Wednesday. “People gathering in stress. Any time we expect that someone will attack us.”

Asylum-seekers who try to reach Australia by boat are sent to two remote Pacific processing centers — PNG’s Manus Island and Nauru.

They are barred from settling in Australia, even if found to be genuine refugees.

They have the option of returning home, moving to the Nauru camp, applying to be resettled in a third country like Cambodia or the United States, or make a life for themselves in PNG.

Australian Greens senator Nick McKim was on Manus Island and said the transition facilities were not ready, sparking a furious rebuke from Immigratio­n Minister Peter Dutton, who accused him of spreading false informatio­n.

McKim returned fire, telling broadcaste­r ABC, “I’m actually the one here on the ground”.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop urged those refusing to leave to do so, saying it made “no sense” for them to stay.

“The alternativ­e accommodat­ion ... is providing all the essential services, including food and water and electricit­y and medical supplies,” she told Sky News.

She added that the PNG government “was in charge of law and order and security and I understand they have this matter in hand”.

PNG Immigratio­n Minister Petrus Thomas moved to dispel fears that those refusing to leave would be removed forcibly.

“We are not going to move the refugees by force, it’s going to be a voluntary movement by refugees and non-refugees out of Manus Regional Processing Centre,” he told the Post-Courier newspaper on Tuesday.

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