China Daily





President Xi Jinping met with visiting British Prime Minister Theresa May on Feb 1, calling on both countries to forge an enhanced version of the “Golden Era” bilateral ties.


习近平2015年对英­国进行了成功访问,双方共同揭开了中英关­系“黄金序章(Golden Prologue)”。他指出,中方愿同英方一道,推动中英关系在新时代­健康稳定发展(China is willing to work with Britain to promote the healthy and steady developmen­t of bilateral ties in a new era),为两国人民带来更多福­祉,为世界繁荣稳定提供更­多助力。

习近平强调,当前世界多极化(a multipolar world)、经济全球化(economic globalizat­ion)、社会信息化(wide IT applicatio­n)、文化多样化(cultural diversity)深入发展,人类命运休戚与共,和平发展、合作共赢(peace, developmen­t and win-win cooperatio­n)已经成为时代主流。中英双方应顺应时代潮­流,结合两国各自发展阶段­和合作需求,赋予中英关系新的时代­内涵,共同打造“黄金时代”增强版。

一要提升中英关系“黄金时代”战略性(upgrade the strategic level of the “Golden Era” bilateral ties),继续办好战略财经人文­等高层对话机制(continue to host high-level dialogue in areas of strategy, finance and people-to-people exchanges),不断夯实“黄金时代”的政治基础。

二要增强中英关系“黄金时代”务实性(energize practical cooperatio­n in the “Golden Era” bilateral ties),推动两国经贸合作再上­新台阶。中英双方可以在“一带一路”框架内开展更大范围、更高水平、更深层次的互利合作(China and Britain can carry out broader and more in-depth cooperatio­n of a higher standard within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative)。

三要拓展中英关系“黄金时代”全球性(enhance globalizat­ion of the “Golden Era” bilateral ties),深化在联合国等多边机­构内交流合作,推动解决气候变化等全­球性挑战,共同促进世界和平与稳­定。

四要促进中英关系“黄金时代”包容性(promote inclusiven­ess of the “Golden Era” bilateral ties),加强人文交流,为促进东西方文明交流­互鉴、不同文明国家“和合共生”树立典范(the two countries should reinforce people-to-people and cultural exchanges to set an example of realizing harmony and coexistenc­e between Eastern and Western countries)。

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