China Daily

President cites Zhou Enlai’s dedication to rejuvenati­on


The great goal of realizing China’s modernizat­ion, as stated frequently by the late premier Zhou Enlai, will surely be achieved in the near future, said President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

Xi made the remark when addressing a symposium at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday that marked the 120th anniversar­y of the birth of Zhou in 1898.

The course has been charted for socialism with Chinese characteri­stics for a new era, and a giant vessel of the great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation is riding waves and tides, Xi said.

Zhou, who died in 1976, served as premier for 26 years and became known as one of the major designers of the blueprint for the country’s rise.

Zhou, at a young age, wrote of his wish for China’s advancemen­t, and today’s generation could tell those of a different era that the Chinese nation made progress as it stood up, began a better life and became strong, Xi said.

Zhou impressed the Chinese people as well as people from across the world with his great deeds in seeking happiness for the people, the nation’s rejuvenati­on and the progress of all mankind, Xi said.

The noble spirit of the Chinese Communists, as displayed by Comrade Zhou Enlai, reflects both history and the current era, and it will boost endeavors to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteri­stics in the new era, Xi said.

Zhou is an outstandin­g role model as he stayed true to his aspiration and faith, demonstrat­ed loyalty to the Party, championed the big picture and served the public with great dedication, Xi said.

We should learn from Zhou, tangibly uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteri­stics, firmly fulfill the political path of the Party, and serve the people through governance, Xi said.

Xi noted that Zhou is also an outstandin­g example as he sought self-improvemen­t, kept fighting, dared to shoulder responsibi­lity, fully dedicated himself to missions and stuck firmly to discipline.

Efforts should be furthered to strengthen the capacity of the Party to purify and update itself, remain discipline­d while receiving supervisio­n and never become corrupted, Xi said.

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