China Daily

Monks trade robes for running shoes


SINDHUKOT, Nepal — Swapping their maroon robes for running shoes, seven Buddhist monks take off at a sprint across the hills surroundin­g their remote village in the foothills of Himalayas.

They are aspiring ultramarat­hon runners, hoping the sport will put their remote village on the map and provide the funds needed to rebuild homes destroyed by a massive earthquake nearly three years ago.

“We found out that we can get many opportunit­ies through running and hope to do something from our monk team — make a name for our village and bring developmen­t here. That is why we are running,” said Man Bahadur Lama, 21, the fastest of the group.

The monks — most of them in their early twenties — follow a strict regime, praying in the morning before disappeari­ng into the hills to run up to 40 kilometers each afternoon.

Life is tough in Sindhukot village, which lies just 80 km from Kathmandu but like many rural communitie­s in impoverish­ed Nepal feels totally cut off from the rest of the world. The nearest school is a two-hour walk and the only shops are in a neighborin­g village.

Many Buddhist families in Nepal send at least one son to join the local monastery, where they are usually fed, clothed and educated — relieving their parents of the financial burden.

Lama was sent away when he was just 8, but is currently living back at home as the village monastery was destroyed in the 2015 earthquake.

Fellow monk Mingma Lama is matter-of-fact about his new pursuit, which he said his monastic duties in the community have prepared him for.

“Every day we go up and down the hills. We often have to walk far . ... So running wasn’t too hard for us,” he said.

These Himalayan monks are not the first to take up running. The so-called ‘marathon monks’ of Mount Hiei in Japan are known for their superhuman feat of running 1,000 marathons in 1,000 days — but they are seeking enlightenm­ent not prize money.

Trail running and ultra marathons are gaining popularity in Nepal, where the Himalayan terrain lends itself to extreme tests of human endurance.

Nepal now hosts a handful of races each year, including the world’s highest marathon that starts at the base camp of Qomolangma, known in the West as Mount Everest, at a breathless altitude of 5,364 meters. A few Nepali runners have made their mark internatio­nally, like former child soldier Mira Rai, who recently won the 52-km Ben Nevis Ultra in Scotland and was named National Geographic Adventurer of the Year in 2017.

The Sindhukot monks’ first race was two years ago, a 30-km trail run in a neighborin­g village. But they are yet to win any medals.

The fastest monk, Man Bahadur, came 10th in their first major marathon earlier this month, missing out on the top prize of 100,000 rupees ($964) — more than the average annual income in Nepal.

“I was quite amazed when I first learned that these monks were running,” said race organizer Shekhar Pandey.

“They are very self-motivated and hardworkin­g, they are training by themselves. They are very young and if they train well they have good potential.”

 ?? PRAKASH MATHEMA / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ?? Nepali Buddhist monks run during a training session in Sindhukot village, about 80 kilometers northeast of Kathmandu, on Feb 15.
PRAKASH MATHEMA / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Nepali Buddhist monks run during a training session in Sindhukot village, about 80 kilometers northeast of Kathmandu, on Feb 15.

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