China Daily

Draft CPPCC charter revision is unveiled


The 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultati­ve Conference, the top political advisory body, is in the process of amending its charter.

The move represents an important chapter in the developmen­t of China’s democracy.

The revision of the CPPCC charter, which will soon be voted on by the body’s 2,000plus members, is aligned with the amendment to the Constituti­on.

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteri­stics for a New Era has been incorporat­ed into the draft amendment of the charter as a guiding theory of the CPPCC.

“The parallel nature of revision to the CPPCC charter and the Constituti­on shows that the political advisers are guided by the law,” said Zhou Hanmin, a national political adviser and legal expert from Shanghai.

The CPPCC National Committee, which convenes its annual session each spring, brings together representa­tives from all walks of life — economists, scientists, educators, doctors, diplomats, religious leaders and sport stars. They are the core advisers in China’s decision-making process.

According to the draft amendment, the idea of “consultati­ve democracy” will be written into the charter.

“Consultati­ve democracy is a model and strength unique to China’s socialist democracy. The CPPCC is an important channel for socialist consultati­ve democracy and a specialist consultati­ve body,” part of the draft amendment reads.

Zhou added that the revision “highlights the importance of consultati­ve democracy and further clarifies how we offer our advice”.

In addition to its advisory role, another function of the CPPCC is supervisio­n. This covers the implementa­tion of the Constituti­on, laws and regulation­s, major State policy, as well as the handling of practical issues of social concern and the integrity of State agencies and their employees.

Over the past five years, political advisers have raised the proportion of supervisio­n-related agenda items to 28 percent. “Consultati­ve supervisio­n” has been included in the draft amendment to the charter.

“This revision gives us guidance on how to conduct supervisio­n and will improve implementa­tion of government policy,” said Gao Xiaomei, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and vicechairw­oman of the Revolution­ary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang Central Committee.

The current CPPCC charter was adopted in 1982 and has been amended three times, in 1994, 2000 and 2004.

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